Auckland Council Libraries: French new titles

New titles

Ngā Taitara hōu



Harry Potter et le prisonnier d'Azkaban

J. K Rowling

Sirius Black, le dangereux criminel qui s'est échappé de la forteresse d'Azkaban, recherche Harry Potter.


Harry Potter et la coupe de feu

J. K Rowling

"Harry Potter entre en quatrième année au collège de Poudlard. À quatorze ans, il voudrait simplement être un jeune sorcier comme les autres, retrouver ses amis Ron et Hermione, assister avec euxà la Coupe du Monde de Quidditch, apprendre de nouveaux...


Harry Potter et le Prince de Sang-Mélé

J. K Rowling

Dans un monde de plus en plus inquiétant, Harry se prépareà retrouver Ron et Hermione.


Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort

J. K Rowling

Burdened with the dark, dangerous, and seemingly impossible task of locating and destroying Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes, Harry, feeling alone and uncertain about his future, struggles to find the inner strength he needs to follow the path set out before...


Harry Potter et l'ordre du Phoenix

J. K Rowling

"À quinze ans, Harry s'apprêteà entrer en cinquième annéeà Poudlard."--website.


Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers

J. K Rowling

Harry Potter est un garçon ordinaire. Mais le jour de ses onze ans, son existence bascule : un géant vient le chercher pour l'emmener dans une école de sorciers.


Harry Potter et la chambre des secrets

J. K Rowling

"Harry Potter fait une rentrée fracassante en voiture volanteà l'école des sorciers. Cette deuxième année ne s'annonce pas de tout repos."--website.


La forêt sortilège

Estelle Faye

Despite the end of the war, Sigmund, the soldier Alduin passed off as his brother, did not return to the village. So when Alduin has a dream in which Sigmund calls for help, he goes looking for him in the valley, accompanied by Lena. But many dangers await the...


Le sac à dos bleu

Nadine Brun-Cosme


Le défi de Sybille

Catherine Kalengula


Au-delà des apparences

Élisabeth Barféty


Le street art

Romain Gallissot



Virginie Aladjidi



Paola Hirou

Isabel Letham, Mary Ann Hawkins, Linda Benson, Joyce Hoffman, Rell Sunn, Lisa Andersen, Rhonda Harper, Maryam El Gardoum and Justine Dupont: these nine women have forever marked the history of surfing.


Passion danse

Marie-Valentine Chaudon


Le basket raconté aux enfants

Alberto Bertolazzi

From anecdotes about the history of basketball to the teams and champions who made the sport so famous: from the great NBA teams to European teams, from the most extraordinary basketball players to the great matches that marked history. The middle part of the...


Le rugby

Aymeric Jeanson


L'incroyable cherche et trouve Loup

Orianne Lallemand

Find Wolf and his friends through different eras and in different places.


Keymaha roobleyda ee torobikaalka = Tropical rainforests (Af-Somaali-Ingriis) (Somali-English)

Anita McCormick

Picture book

How tall are the trees in a tropical rainforest? What animals live in tropical rainforests? Learn all about the tropical rainforest and the species that call it home.


Forêts tropicales humides = Tropical rainforests (Français-Anglais) (French-English)

Anita McCormick

Picture book

How tall are the trees in a tropical rainforest? What animals live in tropical rainforests? Learn all about the tropical rainforest and the species that call it home.


My big English-French picture dictionary

Catherine Bruzzone

Picture book


Amanda et le temps perdu = Amanda and the lost time : Français - English

Shelley Admont

Picture book

"French English Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids learning English or French as their second language. In this children's book, you meet a girl named Amanda who has a habit of wasting her time. That is until, one day, something magical happens and...


Comment les teckels sont venus au monde

Kizzie Elizabeth Jones

Picture book

"A tall tale not just for dog lovers everywhere, but for all young readers who ever wished for a friend. Discover how creatures of the ocean, the power of love, and the magic of the sea came together to make a little girl happy.".


Déserts = Deserts (Français-Anglais) (French-English)

Anita McCormick

Picture book

"Deserts explores our planet's deserts and some of the animals and plants that live there."--Back cover.


Récifs de corail = Coral reefs (Français-Anglais) (French-English)

Anita McCormick

Picture book

"Coral Reefs explores our planet's coral reefs and some of the animals and plants that live there."--Back cover.


When Nani, when? = Dis-moi quand, mamie ?

Jesse Kaur

Picture book

Jaya learns the value of patience from her beloved grandmother, Nani. Whether pruning trees, planting bulbs, or baking delicious treats for the holidays, Nani is always active. With a grounded wisdom that impatient Jaya finds frustrating, Nani teaches that...


Silence! = Quiet!

Kate Alizadeh

Picture book

"Ssh! Listen. What's that noise? What can we hear when we're really, really quiet? A toddler enjoys the range of sounds they hear as their busy day comes to an end, from the bustle and chat of dinner time, to the quiet hush of their father's voice at...


La chenille voyageuse = The traveling caterpillar

Rayne Coshav

Picture book

A caterpillar who accidentally goes on an adventure has an exciting experience trying new foods and exploring new places, only to find that she is most happy when she is back at home with her family.


I love winter = J'adore l'hiver

Shelley Admont

Picture book

"French English Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids learning English or French as their second language. Winter is a fun and beautiful season to play in the snow, but Jimmy the little bunny was not prepared for the cold weather. Once he learns how to...


I love to go to daycare = J'adore aller à la crèche

Shelley Admont

Picture book

"French English Bilingual Children's Book Perfect for kids studying English or French as their second language. Jimmy, the little bunny, is very upset and nervous. Tomorrow is his first day in daycare, but he just wants to stay at home with his mom. Join Jimmy...


I love Autumn = J'adore l'automne

Shelley Admont

Picture book

"French English Bilingual Children's Book Perfect for kids studying English or French as their second language. In this children's book, Jimmy, the little bunny, explores autumn, his favorite season. He enjoys being outside and playing with colorful leaves....


I love to brush my teeth = J'adore me brosser les dents

Shelley Admont

Picture book

"This bilingual book is perfect for kids learning English or French as their second language. Includes educational message as well. Little Jimmy doesn't like to brush his teeth. Even when his mother gives him a brand new orange toothbrush, his favorite color,...

Auckland Council Libraries:New titles Check out the latest new titles in fiction, nonfiction, DVDs, CDs, eBooks, audiobooks, Māori, and community language books.