Auckland Council Libraries: Ngako: The Collections Talk

Ngako: The Collections Talk

Ngako: The Collections Talk is a documentary film and podcast series that explores taonga held in our Auckland Council Libraries Heritage Collections.

From printing in Rarotonga and the whakapapa of a Māori phrasebook to exploring Auckland’s queer spaces, poetry, streetwear photography and more!

We journey with narrators who illustrate how documentary heritage collections help us understand our past and our present and show us potential paths into our future.

Ngako documentary film episodes

Hohou Rongo - The Peace Covenant 
Waiwaia Ngā Ngutu 
The Tonga Islands - An Account by William Mariner 
The King Pin 
​​Finding Foremothers 
Whakapapa of a Māori phrasebook 
Following the Moon – Pacific Lunar Calendars 
The Auckland Lesbian Archives History of Queer Spaces​ 
Henry Winkelmann – The Panoramas​ 
Extraction and conservation on Rangitoto​ 
The Pepa Trail – Printing in Rarotonga​ 
J.T. Diamond – Documenting the West​ 
​Streetwear – Auckland Street Photography 
Ngā Reta Māori​ 

Ngako podcast episodes

Wanderlust – The War Years (Auckland Tramping Club)​ 
Ava, Kava, Kawa​ 
​Sports writing in the mid-20th century 
Beauty and the Beast​ 
Learning about Lapland in Rarotonga​ 
Auckland poets and libraries​ 
Musical manuscripts 

Ngako: The Collections podcast series is available wherever you listen to your podcasts.

Listen on Spotify 

Listen on SoundCloud 

Listen on Apple podcasts 

Ngako: The Collections Talk content has been made with funding from Auckland Council Libraries and the New Zealand Libraries Partnership Programme.

Auckland Council Libraries:Ngako: The Collections Talk