Auckland Council Libraries: LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning is now LinkedIn Learning. Get access to over 16,000 free eLearning video courses and tutorials to upgrade your technology, creative and business skills. 

Get LinkedIn Learning on your device 

LinkedIn Learning logo.

  1. Download the LinkedIn Learning app to your smartphone or tablet from Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
  2. Google Play store logo. App Store logo.

    To use LinkedIn Learning you will need a library card barcode number and PIN/password.
    Don't have one? Sign up now.

  3. Tap Sign in.

    If you already have a LinkedIn account and the LinkedIn app on your device, it might suggest that you sign in with your LinkedIn profile. For example, the sign-in box will say 'Sign in as your LinkedIn profile name'

    Tap 'Not your LinkedIn profile name?' to use your library account login details. Tap Sign in.

    LinkedIn Learning asks if you would like to sign in with your LinkdedIn profile.
  4. Then tap Sign in with your library card. This is under the Continue button.
  5. You will be asked to enter your library ID. Tap inside the field and type auckland at the end of the pre-filled link in the field. The field should show:
  6. LinkedIn Learning will ask you to enter your library ID.

  7. Tap Continue.
  8. Enter your library card number and PIN.
  9. You're now ready to start learning.

Auckland Council Libraries:LinkedIn Learning