1921 Census of England and Wales Search among 38 million records in the most extensive British census. Full access available within a library. Watch out for updates on remote access.
19th century U.S. newspapers Search the full text of a number of newspapers published in the US during the 19th century.
Address to Queen Victoria Names of Auckland children who signed a congratulatory address to Queen Victoria on her Diamond Jubilee.
Auckland Area Passenger Arrivals Arrivals, vessel names and dates from 1838 to 1889. This collection can now be viewed in Kura Heritage Collections Online.
Auckland Area Passenger Vessels 1838-1886 Details of ships passing through Auckland between 1838 and 1886. This collection can now be viewed in Kura Heritage Collections Online.
Auckland Crown Grants Search for the original purchasers of land in the Auckland central business district, section and lot numbers, area, and year.
Auckland Libraries Soundcloud Curated audio recordings of events and interviews about collections from Auckland Council Libraries.
Auckland Police Census 1842-1846 Annual census for Auckland area households and inhabitants from 1842 to 1846.
Auckland Public Art Look up public artworks such as murals, sculptures and water features in Auckland.
Auckland street names guide An alphabetical list of street names in the former districts of Auckland region to help with local history research.
British Newspaper Archive Search historical British newspapers covering local and national news from 1700 - 2000s. Can only be accessed in a library.
British Pamphlets (19th Century) Pamphlets covering the key political, social, technological and environmental issues of 19th century Britain.
Bush Index This online version of the Auckland City Council History Index can now be viewed in Kura Heritage Collections Online.
Cemetery records - Hillsborough and more Records for Hillsborough, Onetangi, Otahuhu, Waikaraka and more from as early as 1890. These can now be viewed in Kura Heritage Collections Online.
Cemetery records - Symonds Street and St Stephens Cemetery records of Symonds Street and St Stephens cemeteries from 1849 to 1982.
Census of England and Wales - 1921 Search among 38 million records in the most extensive British census. Full access available within a library.
Daily Mail Historical Archive 1896-2004 A digital archive of the popular British daily newspaper from 1896 to 2004.
Electoral Rolls, 1881 This resource covers the North Auckland, Auckland metropolitan and South Auckland areas into the Waikato.
Ephemera Index Cards, posters, tickets, programmes brochures and flyers from all over Auckland from the 1840s to present.
Family Histories An index to published genealogies held at Auckland Council Libraries. Most resources are in-library use only.
Family history research guide Follow our step by step research guide to get started on researching your genealogy and family history.
Footprints Images, drawings and ephemera relating to the South Auckland and North Waikato areas from the 1870s to the present day. These can now be viewed in Kura Heritage Collections Online.
Gale General OneFile Search thousands of publications for articles on general topics including health, personal finance, self-improvement and more.
Gale Onefile: News Search thousands of international newspaper and magazine articles and thousands of images, radio and TV broadcasts and transcripts.
Gale Primary Sources Explore over 400 years of historical newspapers, from the 1600s to the twenty first century.
Heritage Images Browse map collections, portraits, historical images and diverse photographs of everyday life in Auckland and New Zealand.
Illustrated London News A digital archive of the historic newspaper, including illustrations and indices, from 1842 to 2003.
Index Auckland: local history, arts and music History, art, theatre, film and music references from Auckland newspapers and journals. These can now be viewed in Kura Heritage Collections Online.
Ireland Collection Journals, monographs, manuscript pages and materials from and about Ireland from the 1780s to the present.
Iwidex Search Kura Heritage Collections Online for tribal history, tikanga-a-iwi and whakapapa from newspapers, magazines and early printed Māori works.
Knowledge Basket Newztext Search New Zealand specific news and business articles from a vast collection of newspapers, magazines and blogs.
Local History Local History Online indexes, oral histories, and heritage images from North and West Auckland can now be viewed in Kura Heritage Collections Online.
Local history research guide Follow our step by step research guide for help with researching a local place, organisation, person or historic Auckland event.
Manukau's Journey - a Manukau timeline A selection of significant events from the history of the former Manukau City and adjoining areas. This collection can now be viewed in Kura Heritage Collections Online.
Maps of Symonds St Cemetery Maps of the Symonds Street cemetery showing the sections allotted to different denominations.
Mirror Historical Archive 1903-2000 Features more than 800,000 pages of brand-new, full text searchable, scans of the complete run of the Mirror from 1903-2000, including the Sunday Mirror.
MyHeritage Access birth, death and marriage records from 48 countries, US and UK censuses, immigration, military and tombstone records.
New Zealand Card Index Indices of local and national newspapers, New Zealand periodicals, books and scrapbooks from the 1950s to 1996.
New Zealand Chinese Journals Pages from three New Zealand Chinese publications from 1921 to 1972. These can now be viewed in Kura Heritage Collections Online.
New Zealand Militia, Volunteers and Armed Constabulary Find members of the Armed Constabulary of New Zealand and the various Militia and Volunteer Corps from the 1860s.
Photographers database The photographers database is an index to photographers who have worked in New Zealand from the 1840s to the present day.
Picture Post Historical Archive Search facsimile images from the iconic British newspaper by keyword and filter results by dates, images and article type.
The Genealogist Access UK birth, death and marriage records, census and electoral rolls. Can only be accessed in a library.
The Guardian and The Observer (1791-2003) Search the archives of The Guardian and The Observer for historical local, regional and national news and first-hand accounts from 1791 to 2003.
The Independent Browse through articles from this major British daily national newspaper from 1986 to 2012.
The Irish Times (1859-2015) Access The Irish from as far back as its first issue in 1859 to search for articles, advertisements and announcements.
The New York Times (1851-2013) Search through full pages and articles of The New York Times from 1851-2013 in easily downloadable PDF format.
The Sunday Times Digital Archive 1822-2006 Search through 180 years of this British newspaper famous for its investigative journalism.
The Telegraph Historical Archive (1855-2000) Archive of issues from 1855 to 2000 of what was once the world’s largest selling newspaper.
The Treaty of Waitangi Collection Academic content on the treaty including previously out-of-print works from wider New Zealand publishing.
Times Digital Archive Search full text and articles from The Times London newspaper for coverage of local and global events from 1785 to 2014.
U.S. newspapers - 19th century Search the full text of a number of newspapers published in the US during the 19th century.
Whakapapa research guide Follow our step by step whakapapa research guide for help with finding your links to tūpuna, waka, whānau, hapū and iwi.