Auckland Council Libraries: Coastal Crime: Auckland crime writers panel

Coastal Crime: Auckland crime writers panel

Streaming live on 9 June, 7 - 8pmJoin us on the Kowhai Coast or via live stream to hear acclaimed Auckland crime writers Rose Carlyle, Madeleine Eskedahl and Nalini Singh discuss the thrills and spills of writing and reading crime - from high-stakes suspense to the darker sides of human nature.  This live stream event has passed.  The recording will soon be available via the Auckland Libraries YouTube channel. About the speakers  Kathy Hunter - Panel facilitatorKathy Hunter is a writer and book reviewer, was a founding member of the first New Zealand book blog and of New Zealand Book Month and has also worked as a bookseller. She currently writes for a variety of publications and is involved in the Creative Matakana project.  Rose Carlyle New Zealand and international best-selling author of the edge-of-your-seat psychological thriller, 'The Girl in the Mirror.'   Madeleine Eskedahl Swedish-born local author of the page-turning debut novel, 'Blood on Vines', the first of The Matakana Trilogy.   Nalini Singh New York Times best-selling author of gripping thrillers Quiet in her Bones (2020) and A Madness of Sunshine (2019), and award-winning Psy-Changeling and Guild Hunter paranormal romance series.