Auckland Council Libraries: Dragonsource eMagazines and eJournals

Dragonsource eMagazines and eJournals

Puka tohu ki te iMohini me te iPuka Pitopito Kōrero Dragonsource

​也許你正在懷念在中國時每期必讀的某本雜誌, 也許您正在尋找有關中國政治, 經濟, 文化和時事的資料, 也許您正想鼓勵您的孩子多讀些中文以強化他們與中國和中國文化的聯繫, 那麼請登陸龍源.您的所有問題和要求也許都可以在這裡得到解決. 龍源用簡化字和繁體字向讀者提供數千種中國大陸出版的中文雜誌和期刊全文.

Missing the magazines you read in China? Looking for information on Chinese economics, culture, politics and current affairs? Or wanting to encourage your kids to read more Chinese articles to tighten their connections to China and her culture? 

How it works 

To read Dragonsource eMagazines and eJournals you need to be an Auckland Libraries member. Join now. It's free and there are no late fees.

To borrow eMagazines in Dragonsource, you will need your library barcode number and your PIN.

各類期刊雜誌,內容涉及政治, 經濟,科技,教育,藝術,中國當今事務, 世界熱點以及其他主題. 熱門期刊, 如<<牡丹>>, <<十月>>, <<支點>> , <<健康大視野>>通常與印刷版雜誌同時推出. 讀者可點擊雜誌封面或用漢字通過主題詞或作者查詢文章和雜誌.

  • 2000 eMagazines and eJournals from mainland China.

  • Articles available in simplified and traditional Chinese.

  • Browse magazine covers or search the database with title keywords or author name.

  • Top popular magazines, like Mu dan, Shi yue, Zhi dian, and Jian kang da shi ye are usually available at the time of publication.


If your card has been made inactive by a librarian - for example, if you reported your card lost - it will no longer work on the eMagazine websites.

Forgot your PIN? Reset your PIN here.

Contact us if you have any problems logging in.

Need Help?

If you have any problems with eMagazines, contact us for help. 

Auckland Council Libraries:Dragonsource eMagazines and eJournals Find out how to download and read a huge range of Dragonsource eMagazines and eJournals from Auckland Libraries on your phone, tablet, or laptop.