Auckland Council Libraries: Library apps

Library apps

Many of Auckland Libraries' digital collections and resources can be accessed on your device through the following apps.

Auckland Libraries app

Auckland Libraries app icon. Download the Auckland Libraries app to check your library account or find your local library's details.


Libby, by OverDrive

Libby app icon.Download the Libby, by OverDrive app to access eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines.



BorrowBox logo.Download the BorrowBox app to access eBooks and eAudiobooks.

Google Play store logo.     App Store logo.    


Wheelers logo.Download the Wheelers app to access eBooks.

Google Play store logo.    App Store logo.     Windows logo.


uLibrary logo.Download the uLibrary app to access eAudiobooks.

Google Play store logo.     App Store logo.


Beamafilm logo.Download the Beamafilm app to access streaming films.

Google Play store logo.     App Store logo.


Pressreader logo.Download the PressReader app to access eNewspapers and eMagazines.

Google Play store logo.     App Store logo.

Auckland Council Libraries:Library apps Many of Auckland Libraries collections and resources can be accessed on your device through the eBook, eAudiobook, eMagazine and eNewspaper apps.