In the eighteenth-century, exotic plant species were arriving in England from all over the world, but prospective gardeners faced the challenge of growing them successfully in the local climate.
Listen to Georgia discuss two famous books that provided advice on everything from building coal-heated greenhouses to making and preserving wine, alongside sumptuous illustrations of the new flowers and fruits that could be grown.
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See the books
The gardener’s dictionary, 1759.
The frontispiece of The gardener’s dictionary is a classical scene that includes practical gardening tools such as a wheelbarrow, spade and watering can. In the background is a glasshouse – a necessity for growing many exotic species in England.
Eden: or, a compleat body of gardening, 1757.
Each issue of John Hill’s Eden gave advice on what to grow at that particular time of year and included an image of the flowers or fruits discussed. This illustration for the beginning of June features the Flaming Tulip, Great Crimson Piony, and Fleshy late Fritillary.
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