Auckland Council Libraries: Add money to your account

Add money to your account

Tāpirihia he moni ki tō pūkete

​You can add money to your library account for printing and photocopying.

  1. Log in with your library card number and PIN.
  2. Click the E-Purse button on the top of the page.
  3. Click ‘Add value’ and choose the amount you want to add.
  4. Choose ‘Credit Card’ or ‘Internet Banking’. Credit card transactions include a 1.75% convenience fee.
  5. Click ‘Pay’ and add your credit card or internet banking details.

Note: Money in your account will remain until you use it.

Account balance notification

E-purse can send email notifications when your account balance falls below a specified amount. It can also send daily, weekly, or monthly balance statements. 

To opt in to this notification:

  1. Log into E-purse.
  2. Click the green Options button.
  3. Tick Notify me when account balance goes below.
  4. Specify the amount and click Save.

Auckland Council Libraries:Add money to your account Add money to your library account for printing and photocopying with these easy steps.