Auckland Council Libraries: Public holiday hours

Public holiday hours

Ngā hāora hararei

Find public holiday opening hours for our libraries.

Note: Please check back for future holiday updates.

Other service closures

Te Māpuna Library Connect, our phone and email customer service, will not operate on these holiday dates.

Pātaka Kōrero Kaewa Mobile Library and Access Services will not operate on these holiday dates.

Service changes

At times, our services could be affected at short notice due to staff shortages.

We strongly recommend checking the locations page on our website for the latest opening hours. Go to locations and hours

You can also keep up to date with your local library’s Facebook page, or contact Te Māpuna Library Connect on (09) 377 0209 for more information. 

CAB and Justice of the Peace

The Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) and Justice of the Peace (JP) services operate separately from Auckland Council Libraries. Please contact them directly to find information about their available services.

Auckland Council Libraries:Public holiday hours Public holiday hours for Auckland Libraries