Auckland Council Libraries: Collection Development Policy

Collection Development Policy

Te Kaupapa Here Whanake Kohikohinga

Our Collection Development Policy allows us to benchmark with the best library systems in the world. 

What our Collection Development Policy does

Our Collection Development Policy has four guiding principles:

  • collections that reflect Auckland’s diverse communities
  • commitment to Māori knowledge
  • commitment to the principle of freedom of access to information
  • applying best value for the people of Auckland to purchasing and managing the collections.

The policy guides:

  • decisions about developing current use collections

  • decisions about developing reference collections

  • decisions about developing heritage and research collections

  • how collections are stored

  • how material is removed from collections

  • how it is disposed of

  • how donations are treated.

Our Collection Development Policy has been designed to fit strategically with The Auckland Plan .

Get a copy of the policy

Auckland Council Libraries:Collection Development Policy The Collection Development Policy guides how we buy, develop and manage our collections.