Auckland Council Libraries: BorrowBox on eReader

BorrowBox on eReader

Access BorrowBox eBooks on different eReaders.

Kobo eReader

Follow our guide to BorrowBox on computer and Kobo.


For the latest update from Kobo on devices that are supported or no longer supported, visit the Kobo help page .

Kindle eReader

Unfortunately, most Kindle eReaders are not compatible with our eBook websites because they do not use the industry standard formats for eBooks (EPUB or PDF). Only Amazon Fire tablets are compatible.

Incompatible Kindle devices:

  • Kindle

  • Kindle DX

  • Kindle Keyboard

  • Kindle Paperwhite

  • Kindle Touch

  • Kindle Voyage

  • Kindle Oasis

Compatible Kindle devices:

  • Kindle Fire

  • Kindle Fire HD

  • Kindle Fire HDX

  • Amazon Fire

If your Kindle device is compatible as listed, follow the BorrowBox guide for Kindle Fire and Amazon Fire. 

Auckland Council Libraries:BorrowBox on eReader Follow this guide to access BorrowBox eBooks on eReaders.