Auckland Council Libraries: Computer use

Computer use

Te Whakamahi rorohiko

​Anyone can use our public computers free of charge.

Computer sessions

You can drop in and use an available computer or join a queue for the next available one. Computer sessions are either 15, 30 or 60 minutes depending on the library. You can use the computers for up to four sessions per day. You can also book a computer in advance.

Use a computer

To use one of our computers, you need to log in with your library card number and PIN/password. If you do not have a library card or PIN/password, speak with a staff member to log in as a guest.

Save your work

Bring a USB stick if you would like to save work from your library computer. You cannot save work on library computers for later sessions.

Computer software

The computers come with a range of software, including:

  • Microsoft Office 2010 (Word, Excel, Picture Manager, PowerPoint, Publisher)
  • LibreOffice (Writer, Math, Base, Calc, Draw, Impress)
  • Gimp2 (free open-source graphics editor)
  • MS Paint
  • NVDA: Non Visual Desktop Access - free, open-source screen reader software
  • Windows Narrator - Microsoft light-duty screen reader utility
  • Magnifier - Microsoft screen magnifying software.

With a public library computer, you can browse the internet, access free WiFi and print, photocopy or scan your documents.

Learn more about our Terms for public computers and internet use

Auckland Council Libraries:Computer use Anyone can use our public computers free of charge.