Auckland Council Libraries: Introduction to whakapapa research

Introduction to whakapapa research

Kupu whakataki ki te rangahau whakapapa

Whakapapa is about people: it is a link to tūpuna, to heritage, to identity. For Māori it is a taonga, and for many it is also tapu.

Why people search for whakapapa

There are many reasons why people search for whakapapa today:

  • to find out about their tuakiri
  • to pass on to the whānau
  • for succession to whenua
  • for scholarship grants.

Traditionally whakapapa was entrusted orally to a member of the whānau selected to be its kaitiaki. Today, whakapapa records can be found in various written sources as well as with whānau members. Knowing where or how to start is often the biggest challenge.

Snapshots of Māori attending a sitting of the Māori Land Court - Lake Taupō, 1914

Snapshots of Māori attending a sitting of the Māori Land Court - Lake Taupō, 1914

Auckland Council Libraries:Introduction to whakapapa research Whakapapa is about people, it is a link to tūpuna, to heritage, to identity. For Māori it is a taonga, and for many it is also tapu.