Auckland Council Libraries: Know your Pet DNA by Ancestry

Know your Pet DNA by Ancestry

These ten canine furbabies will be DNA tested to discover their breeds and their personality and health traits.

Logo of Know Your Pet DNA by Ancestry.Come along for the big reveal on Saturday 10 August at 1.30pm. Meet the pups in real life and find out what makes them tick! 

Here’s what their human parents have to say about them:

Image of Bailey, a Staffy Lab.Bailey

Meet Bailey, a very lovable and playful one and a half year old! He was adopted from the rescue Paws Restart in the middle of 2023 and has been living with a feisty cat ever since. He has a calm nature to him until he is at the dog park where he loves to chase and be chased and dig holes. 

When adopted he was said to be a Staffy x Lab, but there’s more to him than that! He talks like a husky and can sprint like a greyhound. He loves going on morning walks and sleeping in a nest of pillows. He is making his way through different obedience levels now and is very driven by food. 

Discovering his breed makeup not only satisfies our curiosity but also helps tailor his care and training, ensuring a brighter, happier future together. We’re giving Bailey the chance to uncover his ancestry and unlock the secrets behind his irresistible charm!

Image of Zac, a schnauzer.Zac

Introducing Zac! He’s a playful and energetic 10-year-old dog. He is mischievous and charming and has an amazing amount of energy for his age. Zac has a very loyal and loving nature, and he is always ready for an adventure. He grew up in a very busy household of four kids, two guinea pigs, three cats and an older dog companion (who has since passed away). 

When we adopted Zac, we knew he was a mixed breed – but contained some miniature schnauzer. It would be great to discover the hidden chapters of his genetic story and find out what other breeds contribute to his lovable personality.

Image of Tilly, a Jack Russell.Tilly

Tilly is an enthusiastic, happy-go-lucky Jack Russell who turned 5 in April. She loves playing and having visitors, going to the beach, the park, and new places, basically anywhere and everywhere – best of all when it is with her whānau! 

We got her from a breeder in the Waikato when she was 10 weeks old and she has been a delight ever since. Unlike previous Jack Russells that I have shared my life with over the years, Tilly is not a barker and is happy pottering around at home. Some people have said that she is too stocky to be a Jack Russell but I think she is a perfect example of one.

Image of Poppy, a Huntaway Ridgeback.Poppy

Poppy is a ten-year-old we adopted from the Henderson pound. She was the perfect puppy — never chewing anything she shouldn't and a quick learner. Her favourite activities include snacking, swimming, catching a ball and snuggling on the couch. At dinnertime, Poppy joins us with her chew bone and we all 'eat' together. 

Though the pound told us she's a Huntaway (she has the big bark and McDonald’s arches to prove it) x Ridgeback mix, I'm curious to know if this is true and about the other breeds contributing to her good looks and sweet nature.

Image of Tully the dog.Tully

Tully was born on 22 December 2023 and, along with her siblings, was fostered out through Saving Hope Foundation. We don’t know much about her journey before coming to us but know she couldn’t stay with her mum and needed a home. We immediately fell for her as soon as we met her because she was playful but had a gentle spirit. 

Tully is very sociable and loves to run around with the kids and any visitors we have, as well as find sticks and chase balls. In her downtime, she loves a cuddle, having her ears massaged and her belly scratched! 

We asked the kids to say a few things about Tully: 

“She loves to play games with her rope.” (6-year-old) “I feel the best I’ve felt in my whole life with Tully around!” (9-year-old) and “She’s so cute!” (2-year-old). 

We would love to find out more about her DNA, just because we are curious, and in case there are any health possibilities we need to look out for. People who meet her always try and guess what breeds she’s a mix of, but their guesses are all very different!

Image of Franco, a Terrier Huntaway.Franco

Franco was found in a bag with his brothers and sisters 2 years ago in Northland. The Charity Saving Hope rescued them and advertised Franco as a Terrier/Huntaway cross who would be “medium-sized”. 

He is a very active dog, fully into rounding up other smaller dogs (or underdogs) like sheep. He also drops to the ground and stares out the object of his rounding, not moving until the other dog moves. So we think he is a natural NZ sheep dog. He goes to daycare to keep him busy and is scared of our cat, but friendly with all dogs. 

Franco is very intelligent and learns easily – very food driven. He is also a one-woman dog, possessive and puts himself between me and anyone that hugs me. A Velcro dog always knows where I am. Franco is knee height, a slim Jim, and has the typical terrier white swoop going up his nose, white paws and tail tip.

Image of Jonathan Jay, a labrador.Jonathan "Jay"

Jay is just shy of three years old. We got Jay when he was five months old from a couple who were very overwhelmed with having a puppy and had major regrets about taking on the responsibility, hence the rehoming. All we know is that he came from a farm in Whangārei, not sure about whether he’s full Labrador or not. He has the appetite of a Lab!

Image of Kyro, a German Shepherd Husky.Kyro

Meet Kyro Varghese, a 6-year-old German Shepherd-Husky cross breed. He is the favourite child of the family and a big-time mummy’s boy. 

Kyro is very energetic and loves walks, runs, beach time and car rides, but he hates cats. He is pampered daily with treats and loves cheese, butter and a cheeky ice cream. 

Kyro might look pretty scary to someone who sees him in person or isn’t very familiar with big dogs, but he is a big softie who gets anxiety when mom goes on a holiday. But nonetheless, he loves meeting new people and will demand a belly rub when you see him.

Image of Remco the dog.Remco

Remco was a rescue pup from the SPCA who joined our whanau in July 2023. He was found roaming outdoors alone and was in need of a warm, safe and happy home. He has a lovely temperament and likes to be around you even if you aren't playing with him all the time. 

He is cheeky and loves going on walks in the park and on the beach. He is very friendly to other dogs, and other people are always wanting to say hello. His favourite toys are anything that squeaks and he loves to drop his ball down the stairs and chase it! He loves receiving hugs, kisses and snuggles and he is liberal in returning them too. 

He was advertised as a mixed breed with a note of maybe Labrador but we truly have no idea. He is a bundle of energy but also loves to nap in the sun in the garden.

Image of Molly, a Jack Russell.Molly

Molly was born in 2015 and we adopted her via the SPCA in Kawerau. We believe she was under the required 8 weeks before separation from her Mum. She was tiny. She still suffers from anxiety at times, especially around small children. 

Molly is a gentle, ball-loving, beach-loving, walk-loving girl who loves her Dad most, and is generally attached to his side 90% of the time. She loves Mum (that's me) too, but I come second! 

No one knows what Molly has been crossed with - we think she's about 70% Jack Russell, but who knows what the rest of her is, and so the DNA test would be amazingly revealing as to the rest of her makeup.

Logos of sponsors, Ancestry, Genealogical Computing Group and Auckland Council Libraries.

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Auckland Council Libraries:Know your Pet DNA by Ancestry Join Ancestry for a free dog DNA test reveal party! Meet 10 adorable pups and discover their breeds, personalities, and health traits. Learn more about pet DNA testing!