Auckland Council Libraries: Libby on your device

Libby on your device

​Find out how to set up the Libby by OverDrive app on your device and sign in with Auckland Libraries.

1) Get the Libby app

Download the Libby app for Android or Apple, or access the Libby app in your browser .

Libby app logo. Get it on Google Play.Download on the Apple App Store.

2) Sign in with your library barcode

Use your Auckland Libraries barcode number to sign in to Libby. If you don't have a library barcode, join online for free.

  • Open Libby and follow the prompts to sign in with your library card.
  • Choose ‘Search for a library’ and look up ‘Auckland Libraries’.
  • Select ‘Sign in with my card’ and enter your barcode number.

3) Browse and borrow

You're now ready to start browsing and borrowing in Libby! Learn more on Libby Help 

Reading on eReader

If you want to transfer Libby eBooks to an eReader, check out Libby Help on eReaders .

Please note: 
  • Your eReader must be compatible with Adobe Digital Editions. View compatible eReaders 
  • Kindle eReaders, except for Amazon Fire tablets, aren’t compatible with our eBook platforms because they do not use the industry standard formats for eBooks (EPUB or PDF).

Help and resources

View all help topics, videos and troubleshooting on Libby Help .

If you need support with Libby, call us on 09 377 0209 or submit a Libby help request .

Auckland Council Libraries:Libby on your device Find out how to get started with the Libby by OverDrive app on your device.