New Zealand family research sources
Ngā mātāpuna rangahau whānau nō Aotearoa
As you continue researching your family history, there are a number of other places you can look for more information.
Funeral directors' records
Funeral directors' records will give you similar information to a death certificate, however, it’s best to only contact funeral directors when you have proof of which funeral director was involved (from a death notice) and the date of death.
Auckland funeral directors
C Little and Sons Ltd
Watney Sibun and W H Tongue
Cemetery records
Along with funeral directors' records, cemetery records can provide information about parents, siblings, children and spouses.
New Zealand Society of Genealogists (NZSG) cemetery records
Auckland cemetery records
Finding family notices
Historic newspapers
Many birth, death and marriage (BDM) notices and obituaries can be found in historic newspapers online:
Death notice index and obituary notices
Family notice websites and databases
Census and census substitutes
New Zealand doesn’t keep genealogical information from censuses. There are a number of census substitute sources you can use.
Search the
library catalogue for:
Other sources to try include:
For census information for other countries, visit:
Access to resources
- and The Genealogist are available, free of charge, from a library.
- Full access to Find My Past is only available at a library.
- 1921 Census of England and Wales is available for access only within a library at this time. Watch out for updates on remote access.