Auckland Council Libraries: Goodbye overdue fines!

Goodbye overdue fines!

Good news! We’ve automatically removed overdue fines from your library account – current and historic. You'll also no longer be fined for returning items after the due date.

This change does not apply to inter-library loan overdue fines. Replacement charges will still apply if an item doesn’t come back within a given timeframe. 

What’s next?

With no overdue fines to hold you back, join us and get started on a new journey of exploration.

Charges for lost or damaged items
Couple talking while using devices.

Log in to your account with your library barcode number and your PIN/password to check your account balance.

If you still have replacement charges on your library account, don’t worry! Pop into your local library or contact our Te Māpuna Library Connect team to chat with our friendly staff about what to do next.

If you've found an item that has previously been marked as lost on your account - be sure to return it to any of our libraries. Once it's returned, we'll remove the charge from your account and you can start exploring the library again.

Reset your PIN/password

If you don’t remember your PIN/password, log in to reset it.
  • Click on Forgot your PIN/password?
  • You will be asked to provide your library barcode number. An email will be sent to the email address on your account.
  • Click the link provided in the email in order to reset your PIN/password.

Contact us 

If you have any further questions or concerns about your library account, contact our Te Māpuna Library Connect team by filling out our online contact form or by phone (09) 377 0209.

Please be patient as there may be increased waiting times when contacting our Te Māpuna Library Connect team.

Auckland Council Libraries:Goodbye overdue fines! All overdue fines are removed from your library account – both current and historic from 1 September 2021!