Auckland Council Libraries: OverDrive eMagazines

OverDrive eMagazines

Puka tohu ki te iMōhini OverDrive

You can borrow eMagazines on OverDrive or the Libby app, along with eBooks and eAudiobooks. Explore over 2,000 titles, including Woman’s Day NZ, New Scientist, New Zealand Listener, Autocar, and Your Home and Garden.

All eMagazines are available right away – no need to put eMagazines on hold. There are also no checkout limits, so you can borrow as many eMagazines as you want.

Get the Libby, by OverDrive app

Libby app icon.

Download the Libby, by OverDrive app to your Android device from the Google Play Store or iOS device from the Apple App Store.

Get started now

To download OverDrive eMagazines you will need a library barcode number.
Don't have one? Sign up now.


Need help?

If you have any problems, see Libby help   or OverDrive help .

If you have any further questions or concerns, please phone Te Māpuna / Library Connect on 09 377 0209.

Auckland Council Libraries:OverDrive eMagazines Borrow eMagazines on Overdrive or the Libby app. Explore over 2,000 titles, including Organic NZ, National Geographic, New Zealand Listener, Vanity Fair and The Economist Asia Edition.