When you talk, read and sing with your
tamariki, you help them develop important connections, language and social skills.
The more words and conversations you share together, the better prepared they will be to learn.
Talk, Read, Sing resources
Keep an eye on this page for themed resources to download and use. Or pick up an activity sheet from your local library on your next visit!
Newest resource:
Find more activities and resources below.
Tips for
whānau with
pēpi and toddlers
Kōrero | Talk
Talking with young
tamariki is a brain-building activity. Every time you talk to a
pēpi, new connections are being made in their brain.
The more you engage, the more they learn to understand and use new words and concepts.
Try commenting on what they are looking at. Doing this gives them words and sentences that match their interest at that moment.
“The bird is flying. Can you see the wings fluttering?”
Pānui | Read
Reading to young
tamariki helps build their language and early literacy skills and helps them get ready for school.
pēpi and toddlers, the most important part of reading is interacting while you’re reading.
You can talk about the pictures in the book, make fun comments, ask questions and connect the story to their life.
“That dog has fluffy white fur! Do you think it feels like grandad’s beard?”
tamariki love music! It nourishes their brains and is a great way to connect to language, culture and identity.
Encourage your
tamariki to act out the meaning of songs. You could wiggle your fingers in the air and sing along with ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Tīrama Tīrama Ngā Whetū)’ or clap your hands and sing ‘If you’re happy and you know it’.
Once you teach them some actions, your
tamariki could try creating their own!
More activities and resources
About Talk, Read, Sing
Talk, Read, Sing is part of the Too Small to Fail campaign originally created in the United States.
Auckland Council Libraries have adapted this programme for children and
whānau in
Tāmaki Makaurau in partnership with Talking Matters.
Contact our Literacy Specialists by email or call
Te Māpuna / Library Connect on 09 377 0209 to learn more about this initiative.