How to start
Me pēhea te tīmata
Start with yourself and the
whakapapa you already know, then speak with as many
whānau as you can and write down dates of births, marriages, deaths, baptisms and places.
whānau can provide:
whakapapa charts
personal records
family reunion books
christening records
military records
family letters
family bibles
Māori land schedules
photographs of
interesting stories.
Record your research
Download and print the
Ko tōku whānau workbook to start recording your
whakapapa research.
Keep note of references and sources, and include dates: that way you can always go back and make further enquiries.
Tikanga Māori tips
- You might want to start and end your search with a
- Be sure not to view
whakapapa near food or water, even at the kitchen table
- Wash your hands when you finish working with