Auckland Council Libraries: Central City Library

Central City Library

Tāmaki Pātaka Kōrero

  • Library Details

    ​Access to the library

    • Return slots located at the right side of the entrance
    • Central City Library has three Mobility parking spaces on Rutland Street right next to the library building. 
    • For more information about parking, we recommend the Auckland Transport website. Go to AT's Auckland Central parking page 


    • The path to the main entrance is level and accessible
    • Automatic doors
    • Lift access
    • Accessible toilet

    Services and collections


    Central City Library welcomes groups to tour our multi-level library in the heart of Auckland’s central business district. Discover our kohinga and resources, and learn about the facilities and services we offer.

    Central City Library is home to the Sir George Grey Special Collections. These heritage items and resources include significant New Zealand publications, Shakespeare’s first folio, a William Blake manuscript engraved by the poet himself, as well as maps, music, whakaahua, ephemera and valuable rare books.

    Guided tours are provided by our expert library staff who can offer a tailored tour experience to suit people of all ages, interests and academic needs.

    Please note: We need a minimum of a week's notice to organise a tour.

    Central City Library.

Auckland Council Libraries:Library