Searching the library catalogue
All items in our library collections and eCollections can be found through our online library catalogue.
Library catalogue
Use the search bar on our website or follow the link below to look up items in the library catalogue.
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You can create your own reading lists and save frequent searches for later in the library catalogue.
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You can search for eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines, eNewspapers and streaming films in our library catalogue or on our eCollection platforms.
Go to eCollections
Article search
Find full-text articles and engaging resources using our article search.
Article search lets you search numerous databases Auckland Council Libraries provides access to. You can look up a specific title or find research starters to help you get underway.
Use the search bar on our website and select ‘Articles’, or follow the link below.
Article search help
Can’t find what you’re looking for?
If an item isn’t in the library catalogue, you can request to loan it from another library or ask us to buy it for our collections.