Auckland Council Libraries: All fiction new titles

New titles

Ngā Taitara hōu


成何體統  by 七英俊



"年度十佳網路文學潛力新人 七英俊 腦動清奇之作!劇情跌宕,令人捧腹大笑的反套路穿越文!"--Publisher's description.

水月镜  by 黑洁明



魔影魅灵番外.時光漫漫 流轉 唯此鏡 映照世間 若悄悄窺視 或能瞥見些許 人的、神的、魔的、鬼的 過去、現在、未來……

偷偷藏不住  by 竹已



"不能實現的夢想,她就應該捨棄掉。 她從十三歲開始喜歡的男人、她從十三歲開始的暗戀。 從那個時候,她就抱著要快點長大,跟他在一起的念頭。"--Publisher's description.

雲深清淺時  by 東奔西顧



愛她是本能使然,不糾緣由,無關風月。 甜系教主 東奔西顧 繼《君子有九思》、《那天開始的美好時光》續作!

巫女澪. by 黑洁明



攜手萬里行 天涯海角 不負卿,那些 橫跨數千年 剪不斷、理還亂的絕祕關係。珍愛小說。

巫女澪. by 黑洁明



攜手萬里行 天涯海角 不負卿,那些 橫跨數千年 剪不斷、理還亂的絕祕關係。珍愛小說。

黑色荒原  by S. A Cosby


S. A Cosby

"柏雷加德,修車廠的老闆、忠實的丈夫和勤奮顧家的父親,他知道以前的他是沒有未來的,所以努力過著新生活。然而,面對車廠經營困難、孩子的學費、繳不出來的帳單和債務利息,這些都令他的新生活分崩離析。他還能有什麼選擇呢?"--Publisher's description.

直到你專屬於我  by Peter James


Peter James

"《直到你專屬於我》描述一名聲譽卓著的已婚醫生因重遇年少時無法忘懷的對象,引發病態的著迷及跟蹤……"--Publisher's description.

冷酷復仇  by Alan Baxter


Alan Baxter


殺手  by 九把刀



"永遠別低估了我的絕望。 死神已經殺過我一次。 在祂重新想起我之前,我將擁有無與倫比的自由!"--Publisher's description.

試膽  by 笭菁



"這一帶流傳著七大傳說, 幾個無聊又不知天高地厚的高中生,來到七大傳說之一的竹林裡試膽。華文靈異天后笭菁經典恐怖成名作。"--Publisher's description.

巫女澪. by 黑洁明



攜手萬里行 天涯海角 不負卿,那些 橫跨數千年 剪不斷、理還亂的絕祕關係。珍愛小說。

巫女澪. by 黑洁明



攜手萬里行 天涯海角 不負卿,那些 橫跨數千年 剪不斷、理還亂的絕祕關係。珍愛小說。

巫女澪. by 黑洁明



攜手萬里行 天涯海角 不負卿,那些 橫跨數千年 剪不斷、理還亂的絕祕關係。珍愛小說。

臨場  by 横山秀夫



"臨場——在警察體系內,親臨死亡事件現場,展開初步調查稱為「臨場」。搜查一課調查官倉石義男,是他人口中的『終身驗屍官』,他總是能夠精準掌握屍體傳達的訊息。有時候在所有人都深信是自殺或病亡的案子中,獨排眾議,判斷出是一起殺人事件;有時候倉石也會推翻他殺的判斷,認為「無刑事犯罪嫌疑」。作者藉由八個短篇故事,描寫了這個無法融入組織,嚴以律己,貫徹自我原則的男人,打造出一部傑出的警察小說!"--Publisher's description.

心很小, 裝喜歡的事就好  by 黃山料

心很小, 裝喜歡的事就好


"隨著書中女主角小恩,看見親情勒索、手足裂痕,層層堆疊的痛苦,她決意離家出走,成了北漂青年。奮力生存的日子裡,接連出現她身邊的善意與惡意,催促著成長、也扼殺了最後一吋的溫柔。"--Publisher's description.

嫌疑犯  by Robert Crais


Robert Crais

"本書敘述警犬種種令人驚嘆的能力,我們全都深深地被迷住了!"--Publisher's description.

軌道殺人事件  by Barbara Nickless


Barbara Nickless

"軌道殺人事件》是不可不讀的處女作。這部大師懸疑犯罪小說有緊湊動作場景、大師級筆觸,還有一位堅毅不拔的警察席妮.蘿絲.帕奈爾,讀者們一定會敲碗期待續集!"--Publisher's description.

年度傑出教師  by Samantha Downing


Samantha Downing

"身為年度傑出教師,泰迪最討厭那些惹人嫌的同事和家長。如果有誰擋住他的路,他就會讓他們吃點苦頭…… 驚悚小說選書。"--Publisher's description.

護理師  by Tess Gerritsen


Tess Gerritsen

"索菲亞昨夜踏入門內時,凶手就在屋內等著她嗎?或者凶手聽到鑰匙插入鎖孔轉動時很驚訝,明白自己就要被發現了,一時恐慌起來。"--Publisher's description.

一橋桐子(76歲)的犯罪日記  by 原田比香



"桐子奶奶開始計劃犯罪,偷竊、印假鈔、放高利貸、詐欺、綁架、殺人…… 刑期越長越好,一切都是為了進監獄養老!"--Publisher's description.

每天醒來都在密室逃脫. by 夭川



"顧盼重生到了17歲,還沒了重生前一天的記憶。 要重讀一遍高中也就算了,只是── 「叮咚!您已觸發逃脫!請在30分鐘內順利通關,到達目的地出口:校門口」 顧盼:??? 每天都在遲到的邊緣試探……"--Back cover.

無聲吶喊  by Angela Marsons


Angela Marsons

"殺人兇手知道屍體最早也是在隔天早上才會有人發現,他大可安全離開現場,然而卻選擇縱火,提早引來警方關注。 現在,史東警探該做的,是找出原因。"--Publisher's description.

靠近你的不是人, 是爱情啊 = Red and blue and esquisse  by 青山美智子

靠近你的不是人, 是爱情啊 = Red and blue and esquisse


"愛情有開始就有結束。開始永遠比想像中容易,結束則總是來得猝不及防。最難的,是持續。連終點在哪也不知道,不斷地改變,但也始終不變。"--Publisher's description.

復仇女神  by Agatha Christie


Agatha Christie

"「推理解析」謀殺天后克莉絲蒂筆下瑪波小姐的獨特魅力。"--Publisher's description.

清潔工  by Donato Carrisi


Donato Carrisi

"席捲歐陸 義大利現象級燒腦推理極品, 取材自義大利真人真事 改編電影由作者親自編導, 以《惡魔呢喃而來》一書, 席捲全球超過6000,000讀者顫慄 義大利懸疑小說第一人多那托.卡瑞西Donato Carrisi最新懸疑驚悚力作!"--Publisher's description.

迷霧病棟  by 雫井脩介



"一年前在古溝醫院發生了一起點滴混入胰島素的死傷案,當時在醫院看顧女兒的母親小南野野花成為警方羈押的對象,由於她曾在醫院當過助手,所以警方研判涉嫌重大。野野花原先坦承犯案,但隨後又翻供,表示自己並非兇手。"--Publisher's description.

瑪麗迷宮  by Lauren Groff


Lauren Groff

"繼《完美婚姻》後,葛洛芙再度震撼文壇之作 歷史上第一位法語女詩人 她的逆境重生將激勵活在今天的你我。"--Publisher's description.

最佳男主角  by 武小萍



"唐杰是演藝圈難得一遇的頂級藝人,不但外形俊俏,還跨足影、視、歌三種不同領域。除了他自己的努力,姊姊兼經紀人潔瑪的栽培提拔也功不可沒。但潔瑪與唐杰形影不離,究竟是過度護「弟」心切,還是在保護其他秘密……?"--Publisher's description.

第三時效 = 第三の時効  by 橫山秀夫

第三時效 = 第三の時効


"日本推理大師橫山秀夫金字塔代表作.第16回山本周五郎賞候補作.凶殺案的追訴時效即將到期,破案關鍵繫於巧妙安排的「第三時效」"--Publisher's description.

假面同学会  by 雫井脩介



"凶手是我們其中一人嗎?! 有誰返回行凶嗎? 四人都否認犯案,更加深了彼此的疑心, 彼此相互猜忌之際,其中一人又慘遭殺害⋯⋯"--Publisher's description.

少年維特的煩惱  by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


三位教父  by Peter B. (Peter Bernard) Kyne


Peter B. (Peter Bernard) Kyne

"一個關於救贖和犧牲的感人故事,美國小說必讀之作。"--Publisher's description.

請保持名偵探原來的樣子  by 小西雅暉



"出道即得獎的怪物級新人‧小西雅暉,首本「幻視推理」之作!"--Publisher's description.

The legacy  by Elle Kennedy

The legacy

Elle Kennedy

"Four stories. Four couples. Three years of real life after graduation ... A wedding. A proposal. An elopement. And a surprise pregnancy. Life after college for Garrett and Hannah, Logan and Grace, Dean and Allie, and Tucker and Sabrina, isn't quite what they...

Cold wind  by C. J. Box

Cold wind

C. J. Box

"When Earl Alden is found dead, dangling from a wind turbine, it's his wife, Missy, who is arrested. Unfortunately for Joe Pickett, Missy is his mother-in-law, a woman he dislikes heartily, and now he doesn't know what to do - especially when the early signs...

The bright side of disaster  by Katherine Center

The bright side of disaster

Katherine Center

"Jenny Harris always expected that she'd fall in love, get married, and have a baby - in that order. Now, very pregnant and not quite married, she actually doesn't mind that she and her live-in fiance, Dean, started their family earlier than planned. But then...

Unsteady  by Peyton Corinne


Peyton Corinne

"Rhys Koteskiy is back - at least, he's supposed to be. During last year's Frozen Four, the Waterfell University hockey captain and NHL legacy took a brutal hit that left him with a concussion and a new discomfort on the ice. Plagued by nightmares and panic...

Murder at the bake sale  by Lee Hollis

Murder at the bake sale

Lee Hollis

"With both of their marriages on the rocks, PI Maya Kendrick and PTA president Sandra Wallage investigate the dating scene until they are hired by the students to find out who killed their beloved teacher-a flirtatious high school Spanish teacher who had eyes...

Among the wicked  by Linda Castillo

Among the wicked

Linda Castillo

"Chief of Police Kate Burkholder is called upon by the sheriff's department in rural, upstate New York to assist on a developing situation that involves a reclusive Amish settlement and the death of a young girl. Unable to penetrate the wall of silence between...

Bel canto  by Ann Patchett

Bel canto

Ann Patchett

"Somewhere in South America, at the home of the country's vice president, a lavish birthday party is being held in honour of the powerful businessman Mr. Hosokawa. Roxanne Coss, opera's most revered soprano, has mesmerised the international guests with her...

Educating Caroline  by Patricia Cabot

Educating Caroline

Patricia Cabot

"Lady Caroline Linford is horrified to discover her fiancé, the Marquis of Winchilsea, in the arms of another woman. Unfortunately, Victorian society considers such masculine peccadilloes a trifle; canceling their imminent wedding would be unthinkable. But...

Shield of fire  by Keri Arthur

Shield of fire

Keri Arthur

"Resident Relic Hunter for Deva's Fae Council is a title Bethany Aodhán never wanted, but it isn't like she has a choice. And in truth, the appointment might just aid her quest to find her mother's murderers - because at least one of those responsible is a...

A song for the dead  by D. K. Hood

A song for the dead

D. K. Hood

"It's Halloween when a young woman is reported missing from the small town of Black Rock Falls and Sheriff Jenna Alton and her partner, Deputy David Kane, race to her remote home. But all they find are signs of a struggle and blood on the bathroom floor. Freya...

Don't blink  by James Patterson

Don't blink

James Patterson

"The good: New York's Lombardo's Steak House is famous for three reasons, the menu, the clientele, and now, the gruesome murder of an infamous mob lawyer. Effortlessly, the assassin slips through the police's fingers, and his absence sparks a blaze of...

Archlord of exile  by Kate Stevens

Archlord of exile

Kate Stevens

"For thousands of years, the Sollirians abducted children from their homeworlds to fuel their magic. Inez would know. She was one of them. Like other star-maids, she was tethered to an archlord, Rylec. Unlike other star-maids, she fell for him, and he helped...

The partner plot  by Kristina Forest

The partner plot

Kristina Forest

"To Violet Greene, fashion is everything. As a successful celebrity stylist, she travels all over the world, living out her dreams. Professionally, she's thriving, but her personal life is in shambles. After surviving a very public breakup with her ex-fiancé...

The wonderful world of Jane & Oliver Bloke  by Rorie Smith

The wonderful world of Jane & Oliver Bloke

Rorie Smith

"Roughly Oddbins O'Reilly is a Detective Inspector with the Colwyn Bay force. Dr Heinz Pumpernickel is his mysterious writing professor. Roughly produces stories for his writing course that include a description of life on a Cornish lighthouse, the truth about...

The tutor's daughter  by Julie Klassen

The tutor's daughter

Julie Klassen

"Emma Smallwood, determined to help her widowed father regain his spirits when his academy fails, agrees to travel with him to the distant Cornwall coast, to the cliff-top manor of a baronet and his four sons. But after they arrive and begin teaching the...

To slip the bonds of Earth  by Amanda Flower

To slip the bonds of Earth

Amanda Flower

"December 1903: While Wilbur and Orville Wright's flying machine is quite literally taking off in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina with its historic fifty-seven second flight, their sister Katharine is back home in Dayton, Ohio, running the bicycle shop, teaching...

Little underworld  by Christina Harding Thornton

Little underworld

Christina Harding Thornton

"In 1930s Omaha, ex-cop-turned-PI Jim Beely teams up with local crooked cop Frank Tvrdik to take down the man vying for city commissioner. This moody crime story with a high body count melds fact and fiction into an unforgettable tale of danger and deceit."--

Ash  by Louise Wallace


Louise Wallace

"Thea lives under a mountain – one that’s ready to blow. A vet at a mid-sized rural practice, she has been called back during maternity leave and is coping – just – with the juggle of meetings, mealtimes, farm visits, her boss’s search for legal loopholes and...

Bloody Joe's last dance  by Peter Brandvold

Bloody Joe's last dance

Peter Brandvold

"In the heart of Colorado Territory, Mannion faces a whirlwind of troubles - a foreboding dream hinting at his demise and a vengeful man seeking justice for his family's slaughter. With a mysterious assailant determined to see him and his deputies dead,...

Dysfunction junction  by Robin W. Pearson

Dysfunction junction

Robin W. Pearson

"When three women receive an unexpected phone call that leaves them reeling, they have no other choice but to reckon with a lifetime of memories they've long tried to bury. Only in facing the past will they find their path forward. Frances Mae Livingston's...

Death at Lovers Leap  by Catherine Coles

Death at Lovers Leap

Catherine Coles

"As Valentine's Day rolls around, Martha Miller finds herself unusually melancholy at the state of her own love life. With husband Stan still missing and with her growing feelings for Vicar Luke still shrouded in secrecy, there's only one place Martha can go -...

Love, unscripted  by Denise Hunter

Love, unscripted

Denise Hunter

"Fresh off the heels of a bad breakup, Chloe Anderson poured her heart into penning the perfect boyfriend - and the result was an off-the-charts debut beach read that resonated with women worldwide. Now, Chloe's scripted hero is headed for Hollywood, with her...

The darkest of nights  by Nora Roberts

The darkest of nights

Nora Roberts

Night shadow : "They called him Nemesis. He walked the dark alleyways alone, a shadow among shadows - and that's the way he liked it. Until the night he saved Deborah O'Roarke from an attacker and rediscovered the quiet ache of yearning lodged in his heart. It...

Dishonorable  by author India (Fiction writer)


author India (Fiction writer)

"Markita 'Kita' Jones is a young woman with the world at her fingertips. A high school student with beauty and brains to match, she's well on her way to Howard University. However, on her eighteenth birthday, she watches her dreams die during a drive-by...

When I'm her  by Sarah Zachrich Jeng

When I'm her

Sarah Zachrich Jeng

"Though polar opposites, Mary and Elizabeth are as close as can be - until the night Elizabeth makes an irrevocable mistake and leaves Mary to take the blame. Years later, Elizabeth seems to have forgotten Mary exists. Mary hasn't forgotten her. She follows...

Blessed water  by Margot Douaihy

Blessed water

Margot Douaihy

"Sister Holiday is back with a newly minted PI apprentice certificate, a twisty mystery to solve, and something to prove. Tattooed from her neck to her toes, and sporting a gold tooth as sharp as her wisecracks, Sister Holiday struggles to stay on the...

Matterhorn  by Christopher Reich


Christopher Reich

"Robbie Steinhardt lives a peaceful life. A fixture of his small alpine village, he tends cattle, minds his own business, and doesn't dwell on his former life and the family and lover he left behind - back when he was Mac Dekker, CIA. But when he learns his...

Harmony  by Helen Hardt


Helen Hardt

"Rocker Jesse Pike's chance at fame may be ruined when his drummer ends up out of commission. Jesse blames himself. If he'd been with his friend instead of shacking up with Brianna Steel, none of this would be happening. Now their big break as the opening act...

1666  by Lora (Historical novelist) Chilton


Lora (Historical novelist) Chilton

"The survival story of the Patawomeck Tribe of Virginia has been remembered within the tribe for generations, but the massacre of Patawomeck men and the enslavement of women and children by land hungry colonists in 1666 has been mostly unknown outside of the...

The shadow key  by Susan Stokes-Chapman

The shadow key

Susan Stokes-Chapman

"Meirionydd, 1783. Henry Talbot has been dismissed from his post at a prestigious London hospital. The only job he can find is as a physician in the backwaters of Wales where he can't speak the language, belief in myth and magic is rife, and the villagers...

Secrets of a Scottish isle  by Erica Ruth Neubauer

Secrets of a Scottish isle

Erica Ruth Neubauer

"Isle of Iona, 1927: Cast away on a remote locale, Jane's latest assignment depends on concealing her identity and blending in at an occult gathering. Not even her fiancé, Redvers, can be too close as she uncovers the truth about Robert Nightingale, enigmatic...

A short walk through a wide world  by Douglas Westerbeke

A short walk through a wide world

Douglas Westerbeke

"Cursed with immortality at the age of 9, but with a requirement that she stays in perpetual motion, Aubry flees Paris and embarks on a century-spanning, globe-trotting odyssey, seeking a cure and discovering a world beyond the boundaries of time and...

Just for the summer  by Abby Jimenez

Just for the summer

Abby Jimenez

"Justin has a curse, and thanks to a Reddit thread, it's now all over the internet. Every woman he dates goes on to find their soul mate the second they break up. When a woman slides into his DMs with the same problem, they come up with a plan: They'll date...

Nosy neighbors  by Freya Sampson

Nosy neighbors

Freya Sampson

"Twenty-five-year-old Kat Bennett has never felt at home anywhere, and especially not in crumbling Shelley House. According to her neighbors, she's prickly and unapproachable, but beneath her tough exterior, Kat is plagued by guilt from her past....

American daughters  by Piper Huguley

American daughters

Piper Huguley

"At the turn of the twentieth century, in a time of great change, two women--separated by societal status and culture but bound by their expected roles as the daughters of famed statesmen--forged a lifelong friendship. Portia Washington's father Booker T....

Tourist season  by Brenda Novak

Tourist season

Brenda Novak

"Trapped alone in her fiancé's family 'cottage' as a hurricane bears down on Mariners Island, Ismay Chalmers, as she prepares for the storm, discovers some disturbing items hidden in a closet that have her questioning everything she knows about the seemingly...

One by one  by Freida McFadden

One by one

Freida McFadden

"A night spent sleeping on dirt and leaves is not how Claire Matchett expected to spend her vacation. She thought this would be a break from the stresses of work and raising her young children. A chance to repair her damaged marriage. A week of hiking and hot...

A grave robbery  by Deanna Raybourn

A grave robbery

Deanna Raybourn

"Lord Rosemorran has purchased a wax figure of a beautiful reclining woman and asks Stoker to incorporate a clockwork mechanism to give the Rosemorran Collection its own Sleeping Beauty in the style of Madame Tussaud's. But when Stoker goes to cut the...

The good, the bad, and the aunties  by Jesse Q. Sutanto

The good, the bad, and the aunties

Jesse Q. Sutanto

"After an ultra-romantic honeymoon across Europe, Meddy Chan and her husband Nathan have landed in Jakarta to spend Chinese New Year with her entire extended family. Chinese New Year, already the biggest celebration of the Lunar calendar, gets even more...

Worry  by Alexandra Tanner


Alexandra Tanner

"It's March of 2019, and twenty-eight-year-old Jules Gold - anxious, artistically frustrated, and internet-obsessed - has been living alone in the apartment she once shared with the man she thought she'd marry when her younger sister Poppy comes to crash....

The Kellerby code  by Jonny Sweet

The Kellerby code

Jonny Sweet

"Edward is living in a world he can't afford and to which he doesn't belong. To camouflage himself, he has catered to his friends' needs: fetching drycleaning, sorting flowers for premieres. It's a noble effort, really - anything to keep his best pals Robert...

Free therapy  by Rebecca Ivory

Free therapy

Rebecca Ivory

"Two teenage girls fixated on each other's bodies enter into a destructive competition; a woman's encounter with her ex forces her to reflect on the women's group that saved her; a couple's future is called into question after the damp expert they hire for...

Some strange music draws me in  by Griffin Hansbury

Some strange music draws me in

Griffin Hansbury

"It's the summer of 1984 in Swaffham, Massachusetts, when Mel (short for Melanie) meets Sylvia, a tough-as-nails trans woman whose shameless swagger inspires Mel's dawning self-awareness. But Sylvia's presence sparks fury among her neighbors and throws Mel...

The angel of Indian Lake  by Stephen Graham Jones

The angel of Indian Lake

Stephen Graham Jones

"It's been four years in prison since Jade Daniels last saw her hometown of Proofrock, Idaho, the day she took the fall, protecting her friend Letha and her family from incrimination. Since then, her reputation, and the town, have changed dramatically. There's...

Happily never after  by Lynn Painter

Happily never after

Lynn Painter

"Their name? The objectors. Their job? To break off weddings as hired. Their dilemma? They might just be in love with each other. When Sophie Steinbeck finds out just before her wedding that her fiancé has cheated yet again, she desperately wants to call it...

Knife skills for beginners  by Orlando Murrin

Knife skills for beginners

Orlando Murrin

"When chef Paul Delamare takes a job teaching at an exclusive residential cookery school in Belgravia, the only thing he expects his students to murder is his taste buds. But on the first night, the unthinkable happens- someone turns up dead. The school rests...

2054  by Elliot Ackerman


Elliot Ackerman

"The year is 2054. It is twenty years after the nuclear war between the United States and China that brought down the old American political order. The new American Dream Party has emerged in the US and held power for over a decade. Many fear the president...

Covert action  by David Bruns

Covert action

David Bruns

"Following their military defeat in the Battle of Taiwan, China opens a new front in the struggle for geopolitical supremacy.As China's Belt and Road Initiative brings together the final pieces of a 1000-mile rail and road connection between China and Tehran,...

Hades  by Mark (Novelist) Knowles


Mark (Novelist) Knowles

"Decades after the voyage of the fabled Argo, the last remaining Argonauts are scattered to the corners of the Greek world, old men living on past glories.The great victory at Troy is naught but a memory. The gods have abandoned Greece. The last vestiges of...

Looking out  by Fiona (Novelist) McCallum

Looking out

Fiona (Novelist) McCallum

"On the surface Natasha and Mitchell live an idyllic life in the Adelaide Hills with their two daughters and kelpie cross. While both have busy careers, they ensure time is spent with family and friends. Natasha, an aspiring interior designer, has started her...

Out of darkness  by Alex Gray

Out of darkness

Alex Gray

"DSI William Lorimer and his wife Maggie are taking their first extended holiday for the first time in years, and they're looking for an adventure. What better place than Zimbabwe, with its bustling cities and beautiful scenery? Back in Glasgow, PC Daniel...

Piglet  by Lottie Hazell


Lottie Hazell

"Her life is so full, so why is she hungry? For Piglet - an unshakable childhood nickname - getting married is her opportunitt to reinvent. Together, Kit and Piglet are the picture of domestic bliss - effortless hosts, planning a covetable wedding ... But if a...

The house of broken bricks  by Fiona Williams

The house of broken bricks

Fiona Williams

"Ain't nothing wrong with being broken. Nothing at all. You're like these houses, not a whole brick in em and look how strong they are. As Tess traces the sunrise over the floodplains, light that paints the house a startling crimson, she yearns for the...

An ideal husband  by Erica James

An ideal husband

Erica James

"After 30 years of marriage, and a wonderful family Christmas, Louisa is stunned when husband Kip asks for a divorce on Boxing Day. He'd never seemed unhappy - and they've raised three children together. For months, Kip has been secretly seeing a younger woman...

The burning land  by David Hair

The burning land

David Hair

"The Falcons are knights of the Vestal Order, pledged to use their powers to protect the Empire of Talmont from the cruel Vyr and the carnage they have unleashed upon the world. When the Falcons take a Vyr alive, they go against the protocols of the Vestal...

The power of the ascendant  by Van author. Ris

The power of the ascendant

Van author. Ris

"BY WAY OF CREATION, EVERY HUMAN BEING POSSESSES A DROP OF GOD'S POWER, WHICH THE SCIENTISTS CALL THE POWER OF THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND. While held prisoner at the Research Institute for Paranormal Power Activity in the Rocky Mountains of Montana, Philip develops...

Leave no trace  by A. J. Landau

Leave no trace

A. J. Landau

"In a daring, brutal act of terrorism, an explosion rocks and topples the Statue of Liberty. Special Agent Michael Walker of the National Park Service is awakened by his boss with that news and sent to New York as the agent-in-charge. Not long after he lands,...

Escape to Polkerran Point  by Cass Grafton

Escape to Polkerran Point

Cass Grafton

"Can fake dating turn into something more with a baby on the way? ... High-flying exec Lauren Kirkham is having a bad week. Unexpectedly pregnant, out of work and - when dumped by her boyfriend - with nowhere to live. She needs a respite, and so goes to visit...

Exit black  by Joe Pitkin

Exit black

Joe Pitkin

"Imperium is the most expensive structure ever created. Once an orbiting laboratory, it is now a space hotel for the fantastically wealthy. But as the station preps for its first group of space tourists, Dr. Chloe Bonilla, Imperium's resident biophysicist,...

Meet me at the surface  by Jodie Matthews

Meet me at the surface

Jodie Matthews

"Merryn grew up on the wilds of Bodmin moor, raised by her mother and her aunt in an old farmhouse. Here, the locals never leave the village, fear for the future of their farms and cling desperately to the folkloric tales that are woven into their history....

The midnight show murders  by Al Roker

The midnight show murders

Al Roker

"Billy has never liked going to the West Coast, but when he runs into high-energy comic Desmond O'Day, he reluctantly agrees to play second banana on the funnyman's new late-night talk show. Los Angeles holds bad - and bloody - memories for Billy. Twenty years...

What we did in the storm  by Tina Baker

What we did in the storm

Tina Baker

"On the beautiful and windswept island of Tresco, two worlds live side by side. The wealthy visitors come by helicopter to stay at their lavish time-share properties. The estate staff travel by boat, and work all hours to keep them happy, to keep the money...

The escape room  by L. D. Smithson

The escape room

L. D. Smithson

"Bonnie arrives on a remote sea fort off the coast of England to take part in a mysterious reality TV show. Competing against seven strangers, she must solve a series of puzzles to win the prize money, but this is no game - and the consequences of failure are...

The making of us  by Lisa Jewell

The making of us

Lisa Jewell

"Lydia, Robyn and Dean don't know each other - yet. They live very different lives but each of them, independently, has always felt that something is missing. What they don't know is that a letter is about to arrive that will turn their lives upside down. It...

Salvage the bones  by Jesmyn Ward

Salvage the bones

Jesmyn Ward

"A hurricane is building over the Gulf of Mexico, threatening the coastal town of Bois Sauvage, Mississippi, and Esch's father is growing concerned. A hard drinker, largely absent, he doesn't show concern for much else. Esch and her three brothers are stocking...

Shōgun  by James Clavell


James Clavell

"Shipwrecked English adventurer, John Blackthorn, finds himself a key figure in a vast power struggle that is to plunge medieval Japan into civil war. Set in the exotic world of Oriental intrigue, passions, discipline, courage, and rigid moral and martial...

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