An adapted version of the tale of the Little Red Hen. When the barnyard animals who refused to help her plant and tend a seed ask to play under the "great green whispery tree" that Little Red Hen grew, she says no, but her chick thinks that answer is mean.
Celebrating the 30 – year journey of Falepipi he Mafola Niuean Handcraft Group Inc, based in Ōtāhuhu since 1993. Featuring projects and treasures made by Falepipi he Mafola Niuean Handcraft Group Inc, this exhibition honours over 50 loved ones who have since...
A young boy describes his life living in Niue, in the village of Mutalau. Includes facts about Niue and a map.
Picture book
Moka teaches us the days of the week in Niuean while sharing with others. Includes two stories in one book - Moka Shares provides language learning supports and Foaki e Moka is the Niuean translation. The Mila's My Pasifika Series are picture books that...
Tule teaches us how to count in Niuean while cleaning up his bedroom. Includes two stories in one book - Tule's Room provides language learning supports and Ko e Poko mohe ha Tule is the Niuean translation of Tule's Room.
Mele teaches us colours in Niuean while playing a fun game of 'I spy'. Includes two stories in one book - Mele Spies provides language learning supports and Kitia e Mele is the Niuean translation. The Mila's My Pasifika Series are picture books that provide...
Some of the sweetest fruits in the world grow in Niue. There's fua futi (bananas), fua mago (mangoes) and fua loku (pawpaw). But niu (coconut) might be the most important of them all. How did the niu get to Niue? Find out how in Coconut Delight, a bilingual...
Jeremy is starting a new school. He's not too sure about how he will fit in. But the other students make him welcome and every time he thinks he can't do soemthing they say "Of course you can!."
This book was created to be fun and exciting to help Niuean children prepare for school every morning. The book is in Niuean. It is aligned with Te Whariki: He Whariki Matauranga mo nga Mokopuna o Aotearoa/Early Childhood Curriculum and with The New Zealand...
"Fourteen Niue young people worked with teacher-writer David Riley, to bring you this book – Ko Au Ko e Tama Niue. The stories they’ve written demonstrate their immense pride in being Niue. You’ll read about a beloved ancestor, swimming in Niue, fishing with...
Benefits and services available from the N.Z. Department of Social Welfare.
A bilingual collection of stories from Niue, in both Niuean and English. With illustrations by Lange Taufelia, Tales of Niue Nukututaha features 12 tales from the island of Niue, giving traditional Polynesian storytelling a new twist. Zora explores the ancient...
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