Auckland Council Libraries: All fiction new titles

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真實犯罪故事  by Joseph Knox


Joseph Knox

"一樁塵封十年的失蹤懸案, 遇上兩位模糊現實與虛構的犯罪小說家, 誰才能揭開最驚悚離奇的謎底?"--Publisher's description.

死刑犯與三個女人  by Danya Kukafka


Danya Kukafka

"奪走三條人命仍逍遙法外的殺手,沉寂多年後為何再度作案、終於落網? 死刑前十二小時的逃獄計畫,是他的瘋狂幻想、或是最後的完美犯罪? 答案只有他生命中的這三個女人知曉。"--Publisher's description.

地獄里長 = What the hell is love  by Fer Di

地獄里長 = What the hell is love

Fer Di


為你唱首心光燦爛 = The eternal flame of fire forever  by author Lavender

為你唱首心光燦爛 = The eternal flame of fire forever

author Lavender

"當瘋狂迷妹遇上偶像男神……的鬼魂?!為了完成偶像的遺願,她大聲唱出對男神的愛,即便知道最後終將分離,仍義無反顧譜寫最勇敢無畏的青春樂章!"--Publisher's description.

關於殺人這件事請勿對號入座  by 马卡



"筆下七篇關於殺人以及被殺的故事,究竟是真實事件還是虛構幻想,一點也不重要;重要的是──深藏在故事背後的真相,你敢對號入座嗎?"--Publisher's description.

四十我就廢  by Alexandra Potter


Alexandra Potter

"一個探索中年危機、性別平權、社群亂象、愛和生命意義的有趣故事。"--Publisher's description.

她比咖啡疗愈  by 终灿



"一個雨過天晴的盛夏早晨,徹夜未眠的唐知菲拖著一身狼狽可憐,誤打誤撞被撿回一間名為「咖啡堂」的咖啡店,更在因緣際會之下變成工讀生。她的青春歲月,也從此翻開了另一個全新篇章。"--Publisher's description.

我的沉睡王子 = The curse of love : my sleeping prince  by 陌櫻晴

我的沉睡王子 = The curse of love : my sleeping prince


"大學開學第一天,傅妮妮順手救了站在路中央差點被車撞的韓聖臨,這人雖然有著神仙顏值,但個性實在不予置評。逐漸地,她發現韓聖臨不只陰沉古怪,還有個不為人知的祕密──會「斷線」。 "--Publisher's description.

假面飯店  by 東野圭吾



"犯人是誰?用了什麼樣的殺人詭計—這當然是作品中必須存在的謎團。但是,我還想再創造出其他形式的意外性。我最鍾情的意外性,要發生在故事的最後一行。"--Publisher's description.

奪取天下的少女  by 宮島未奈



"青春,就是用盡全力,做著會一輩子記得的事。 沒有壁咚、沒有反轉,也沒有穿越,卻無比熱血。 前所未見的少女成瀨,今天也是全力衝刺。"--Publisher's description.

无名之星的悲歌  by 结城真一郎



疑點重重的縱火殺人案、充滿謎團的流浪歌姬、 遭到封印的禁忌技術、步步進逼的幕後黑手…… 解開一切的關鍵是沉睡的記憶? 完美回收所有伏線的極致推理! 層層謎團與記憶碎片縱橫交錯, 巧妙融合推理小說與青春小說的細膩之作!

如何拯救每年失去記憶的她 = 毎年、記憶を失う彼女の救いかた  by 望月拓海

如何拯救每年失去記憶的她 = 毎年、記憶を失う彼女の救いかた


"所有的伏筆皆是愛! 讀者大讚︰「他們的愛情太美了!」「第一次讀書讀到淚流不止!」。"--Publisher's description.

詭屋  by 雨穴



"朋友打算購買一棟位於東京的中古屋。 屋內寬敞裝潢明朗,看起來是很普通的住宅, 然而室內配置的平面圖卻存在著「謎之空間」。 讓認識的設計師看了室內平面圖後, 發現這棟房子處處有「奇怪的不對勁」。 抽絲剝繭後竟發現……"--Publisher's description.

第一次的親密接觸 = Flyin dance  by 蔡智恆

第一次的親密接觸 = Flyin dance


"如果把整個浴缸的水倒出,也澆不熄我對你愛情的火燄。 整個浴缸的水全部倒得出嗎?可以。 所以,是的,我愛你。"--Publisher's description.

演算人生 = Der würfel  by Bijan Moini

演算人生 = Der würfel

Bijan Moini

"二〇二〇年德國科幻小說獎「最佳德語小說」德國Seraph獎「最佳首部小說」 猶如赫胥黎的《美麗新世界》與喬治.歐威爾的《一九八四》的驚悚新預言 二十一世紀反數位烏托邦的科幻小說,一個更全面的數位世界。"--Publisher's description.

無限的我們  by Catriona Silvey


Catriona Silvey

"假如生命不會結束、不斷重啟, 我們是得到了無數改正失誤的機會、達至完美人生的希望, 還是一場無限循環、將靈魂牢牢困縛在永恆中的噩夢?"--Publisher's description.

怪物的宇宙學  by Shaun Hamill


Shaun Hamill

"作者以零星出現的超自然恐怖,調和故事核心中的家庭悲劇,使劇情不完全受到恐怖元素宰制,也讓讀者能夠更關心書中腳色的經歷。"--Publisher's description.

來小書廚房住一晚  by 김 지혜


김 지혜

*小書廚房以好書、美食與陪伴,為人們填補疲憊的心靈,同時也撫慰了自己。"--Publisher's description.

我有霸總光環. by 江月年年



"楚楚為了逃避各種相親,和父親做了約定,下定決心投入事業, 因為擔心逆子會闖禍,楚楚的父親請自己的心腹——張嘉年, 陪伴在楚楚左右,替她打理事業。 隨著相處的時間久了,張嘉年卻發現眼前的楚總和原本不太一樣……"--Publisher's description.

第9節課 = Lesson in love  by Fer Di

第9節課 = Lesson in love

Fer Di


杏燒紅  by 松鷹



"《杏燒紅》是松鷹社會派推理小說的成名作,也是國內首部登上美國最佳推理小說榜的作品。作者把深厚的文學底蘊、知識底蘊和思想內涵熔鑄於小說中,開拓了中國社會派推理小說的先河。整部作品懸念迭起,驚心動魄,顯示出非凡的悲劇力量。"--Publisher's description.

塵封之謎 = The dusty puzzles  by 葉桑

塵封之謎 = The dusty puzzles


"陳皓警官奉命接手一樁離奇的縮水骷髏命案, 在老搭檔偵探葉威廉的旁敲側擊下, 逐步揭露台灣八、九○年代, 中壢工業區女工們的愛恨情仇與不可違抗的悲慘命運!"--Publisher's description.

命運交織的城堡  by Italo Calvino


Italo Calvino

"卡爾維諾舉世聞名的一本用「塔羅牌」寫的小說。 意義就是命運,看似無深度的說故事遊戲,說出了命運與自我交織的脆弱與活力。"--Publisher's description.

天堂  by Abdulrazak Gurnah


Abdulrazak Gurnah

"《天堂》是古納早期作品,出版當時即入圍布克獎和惠特布萊德獎,既是一個男孩的成長史,也是一個憂傷的愛情故事,更是一個歐洲殖民主義腐蝕非洲大陸的故事。古納從非洲人的角度講述非洲殖民化的歷程,可謂顛覆了歐洲中心主義意識形態書寫的非洲歷史。"--Publisher's description.

梅先生的甜蜜恋念  by 蔡小雀



"卓秀年是個認真生活、認真工作的女子,她也喜歡看言情小說,但依然清醒地認知到,虛構的愛情跟現實是不一樣的,直到她遇上了英俊多金、猛烈追求她的霸總少東,最後她被打動了,相信自己也是能夠被愛著,能夠當個做夢的小女孩……"--Publisher's description.

福爾摩斯案外案  by Lyndsay Faye


Lyndsay Faye

"《福爾摩斯案外案》是一本與柯南‧道爾所寫的福爾摩斯探案精選相較亦毫不遜色的佳作。像琳西.斐這樣能成功捕抓原著故事的語言、口氣及創造力的作家,實在不做第二人想,對所有珍愛閱讀的書迷來說,絕對是不容錯過的上上之選。"--Publisher's description.

無眠之夜  by C. L. Taylor


C. L. Taylor

"七位客人。七個祕密。一名殺手。你敢……闔眼嗎?《無眠之夜》令人緊張不安,難以釋手的絕對驚悚之作。打從第一行開始就緊緊抓住你不放,而且死不放手!不過,要小心,看《無眠之夜》必須要看到最後一頁、花時間沉澱之後,才會得到體悟。"--Publisher's description.

给你的情歌 = Love song  by author Misa

给你的情歌 = Love song

author Misa

"想見你, 非常非常地想見你,如此迫切, 讓人不由得快步跑了起來。 穿梭了時間,橫越了空間, 那樣遙遠,卻又那樣靠近, 無論多少距離,永不褪色的怦然心動,一如初見。"--Publisher's description.

甜蜜的哀愁  by David Nicholls


David Nicholls

"在尷尬中萌芽,雖然充滿後悔,卻讓人難以忘懷。 一段恰到好處的初戀故事,一本最適合夏末閱讀的甜蜜小說。"--Publisher's description.

美食無間原著小說  by Fer Di


Fer Di

"刑警朱坡是岳港市刑警大隊第一分隊的破案王,同時也是品味卓越的美食家,辦案不按牌理出牌的他,一直在追查數宗兇殺案的連環兇手。殺手黎子東,是個生無可戀的完美職業殺手,人生只剩下吃飯和殺人兩件事,每一道美食,他都當成最後一餐,極其講究。"--Publisher's description.

Death of a countess  by Jenny Harrison

Death of a countess

Jenny Harrison

"London. May 1957. Eight friends gather for a party. They are Polish displaced persons who have survived the worst of World War II in Europe. Now, all they want is a peaceful life, a chance to heal their wounds, to forget. On this fateful night, they gather to...

Ghosts of the resistance  by Janna Ruth

Ghosts of the resistance

Janna Ruth

"I’ve given the ghosts everything. Now they’re coming for my powers. All my life, I’ve talked to ghosts, helped them fulfil their last wishes, and made friends with them. I thought I had a good grip on the afterlife. Boy, was I wrong. There are things afoot...

Once broken faith  by Seanan McGuire

Once broken faith

Seanan McGuire

"Politics have never been October 'Toby' Daye's strong suit. When she traveled to the Kingdom of Silences to prevent them from going to war with her home, the Kingdom of the Mists, she wasn't expecting to return with a cure for elf-shot and a whole new set of...

Deadly dreams  by K. J. Sutton

Deadly dreams

K. J. Sutton

"Fortuna has made one too many sacrifices to protect the ones she loves. She no longer knows how to go about her day-to-day life like she's normal. Like she's not utterly destroyed. Just a glimpse of Ian O'Connell's face causes panic attacks, and Collith isn't...

Beautiful nightmares  by K. J. Sutton

Beautiful nightmares

K. J. Sutton

"In the space of a single day, everything Fortuna thought she knew was exposed as lies and illusion. Alliances have shifted and roles are forever changed. And she now finds herself a prisoner in the Seelie Court. It is here that Fortuna learns the board for...

Restless slumber  by K. J. Sutton

Restless slumber

K. J. Sutton

"Fortuna's entire life has changed. She has no idea how to balance her new responsibilities and who she used to be. There are hundreds of faeries in her head, her brother seems to have lost touch with reality, and a werewolf won't leave her side. Maybe the...

Fortuna Sworn  by K. J. Sutton

Fortuna Sworn

K. J. Sutton

"Fortuna Sworn is the last of her kind. Her brother has disappeared, leaving her alone. She hides among humans, spending her days working at a bar and her nights searching for him - until she catches the eye of a powerful faerie. Collith desires Fortuna. And...

Cocktail  by Lisa Alward


Lisa Alward

"From quiet reflection to explosive power dynamics in a marriage, Cocktail reveals the schism between the lives we build and our deepest inner selves. Underneath layers of wallpaper and plaster, a young housewife discovers two unnerving portraits. A...

Holy Island  by L. J. Ross

Holy Island

L. J. Ross

Detective Chief Inspector Ryan retreats to Holy Island seeking sanctuary when he is forced to take sabbatical leave from his duties as a homicide detective. A few days before Christmas, his peace is shattered and he is thrust back into the murky world of...

Sandstorm  by James Rollins


James Rollins

"Lady Kara Kensington's family paid a high price in money and blood to found the gallery that now lies in ruins. And her search for answers is about to lead Kara and her friend Safia al-Maaz, the gallery's brilliant and beautiful curator, into a world they...

The Grand duchess of nowhere  by Laurie Graham

The Grand duchess of nowhere

Laurie Graham

"Perhaps there is one great love in everyone's life. For Princess Victoria Melita, or Ducky, hers was a Romanov, a member of the doomed Russian monarchy. Born a British Princess, Ducky's father was Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh, Queen Victoria's second son....

The death of Lucy Kyte  by Nicola Upson

The death of Lucy Kyte

Nicola Upson

"When Josephine inherited a remote Suffolk cottage from her godmother, it came full of secrets. Sorting through the artefacts of her godmother's life, Josephine is intrigued by an infamous murder committed near the cottage a century before. Yet this old crime...

The light & the dark  by Mikhail Shishkin

The light & the dark

Mikhail Shishkin

"Picture two people, young and in love. Picture them being separated from one another. Picture them keeping their love alive through letters. But now imagine they've not just been separated geographically, but also historically. Imagine that their love and...

The millstone  by Margaret Drabble

The millstone

Margaret Drabble

"Set in London during the 1960s, about a casual love affair, an unplanned pregnancy and one young woman's decision to become a mother. The book is a gentle satire on English manners of the 1960s."--Publisher.

Silent kill  by Chris Ryan

Silent kill

Chris Ryan

"Northern Ireland, 1993. For high-flying MI5 officer Avery Chance the real war has only just begun. When Chance is abducted by the IRA's notorious Nutting Squad, her hopes lie in the hands of a young SAS recruit who must risk everything to bring her home....

Words of radiance  by Brandon Sanderson

Words of radiance

Brandon Sanderson

:From the bestselling author who completed Robert Jordan's epic WHEEL OF TIME series comes a new, original creation that matches anything else in modern fantasy for epic scope, thrilling imagination, superb characters and sheer addictiveness. Return to a...

The rest is slander  by Thomas Bernhard

The rest is slander

Thomas Bernhard

"The cold increases with the clarity," said Thomas Bernhard while accepting a major literary prize in 1965. That clarity was the postwar realization that the West's last remaining cultural reference points were being swept away by the ever-greater...

Three kings

Three kings

"In the aftermath of World War II, the Earth's population was devastated by an alien virus. Those who survived were changed forever. Some, known as jokers, were cursed with bizarre mental and physical mutations; others, granted superhuman abilities, became the...

Say hello to my little friend  by Jennine Capó Crucet

Say hello to my little friend

Jennine Capó Crucet

"Failed Pitbull impersonator Ismael Reyes - you can call him Izzy - might not be the Scarface type, but why should that keep him from trying? Growing up in Miami has shaped him into someone who dreams of being the King of the 305, with the money, power, and...

Acts of forgiveness  by Maura Cheeks

Acts of forgiveness

Maura Cheeks

"Almost a decade ago, Willie Revel gave up her burgeoning journalism career in New York to help run her father's struggling construction company in Philadelphia. An ambitious single mother, Willie has reluctantly put family first without being able to forget...

Right on cue  by Falon Ballard

Right on cue

Falon Ballard

"Hollywood darling Emmy Harper is considered the queen of writing romantic comedies. That is, until tragedy struck and she swore she'd never write another happy ending again. After some time away, and lots of encouragement from family and friends, Emmy is...

The winter palace  by Paul Morgan

The winter palace

Paul Morgan

"In 1939, Anton, a captain in the Polish army, says goodbye to his wife, Elisabeth. He is leaving to defend their homeland against the invasion by Nazi Germany and Russia. They make a vow that, whatever happens, however much time passes, they'll meet again at...

Despatches  by Lee Murray


Lee Murray

"Daily Star war correspondent Cassius Smythe is off to the Dardanelles to report on the Allied campaign. That is, if only the War Office will let him tell the truth. But after months in the trenches at Anzac Cove, Smythe learns that it isn't just the Ottoman...

The siege of burning grass  by Premee Mohamed

The siege of burning grass

Premee Mohamed

"Alefret, the founder of Varkal's pacifist resistance, was bombed and maimed by his own government, locked up in a secret prison and tortured by a 'visionary' scientist. But now they're offering him a chance of freedom. Ordered to infiltrate one of Med'ariz's...

High vaultage  by Chris Sugden

High vaultage

Chris Sugden

"1887. London, but not as you know it.The Industrial Revolution went further than anyone could have imagined, and the sprawling, chaotic metropolis of Even Greater London spreads across the southern half of England. The immense Tower casts electricity through...

Keep your friends close  by Leah Konen

Keep your friends close

Leah Konen

"Mary never meant to tell Willa her secret. But after leaving her husband and father of her young son, meeting Willa feels like fate. Finally, she has someone on her side. Until Willa disappears. Mary is heartbroken and confused. Why would her friend abandon...

The day tripper  by James Goodhand

The day tripper

James Goodhand

"The right guy, the right place, the wrong time. It's 1995, and Alex Dean has it all: a spot at Cambridge University next year, the love of the beautiful and vivacious Holly, and all the time in the world ahead of him. That is until a run-in with a former...

Smoke Kings  by Jahmal Mayfield

Smoke Kings

Jahmal Mayfield

"Nate Evers, a young black political activist, struggles with rage as his people are still being killed in the streets...When his little cousin is murdered, Nate shuns the graffiti murals, candlelight vigils, and Twitter hashtags that are commonplace after...

The atlas maneuver  by Steve Berry

The atlas maneuver

Steve Berry

"1945. In the waning months of World War II, Japan hid vast quantities of gold and other stolen valuables in boobytrapped underground caches all across the Philippines. By 1947 some of that loot was recovered, not by treasure hunters, but by the United States...

Widows  by Pascal Engman


Pascal Engman

"Two bodies are discovered in a Stockholm park, one a policeman and the other an unidentified young woman. With the police believing the woman to be nothing more than unfortunate collateral damage, they focus on the murder of the police officer. But Detective...

The boy who cried bear  by Kelley Armstrong

The boy who cried bear

Kelley Armstrong

"Haven's Rock is a well-hidden town surrounded by forest. And it's supposed to be, being that it's a refuge for those who need to disappear. Detective Casey Duncan and her husband, Sheriff Eric Dalton already feel at home in their new town, which reminds them...

Dream girl  by Joy Holley

Dream girl

Joy Holley

"Alice wants a heart-shaped bed. Mary, Genevieve and Angelica want to know the future. June says she wants Lena to rescue her from a rat, but really she wants Lena to make out with her. Eve wants to get Wallace alone at the strawberry farm. Olivia just wants...

Missing  by Ricky Masterman


Ricky Masterman

"Rick has been missing, presumed drowned, for four years. When he arrives back at his home in rural Hawkes Bay without any warning and carrying only a backpack, in the middle of a cold winter's night, his reception back home is tinged with doubt and suspicion....

The heart of the actuary  by K. T. Bowes

The heart of the actuary

K. T. Bowes

"His job is to neutralise risk. Hers is to turn a blind eye. But the stakes are too high this time. She needs to get to this risk first. And hide it. After a terrible few months and the collapse of her world, Emma Andreyev is trying. She's trying to reinvent...

Hana Du Rose  by K. T. Bowes

Hana Du Rose

K. T. Bowes

"New marriage at forty five isn't the bed of roses that beautiful widow Hana, imagined, especially not when a sinister man who hides in the shadows and preys on vulnerable women is intent on hurting her. Her adult children have secrets of their own and her son...

Liberation  by M. C. (Maya Cohen) Ronen


M. C. (Maya Cohen) Ronen

"Sunny, an escapee from a farm where she was kept as a dairy slave, is now an activist who fights to liberate other slaves from their hopeless, grim destiny. The dangerous and relentless battle for total liberation provides for many suspenseful encounters, as...

Reynard the Fox  by Anne Louise Avery

Reynard the Fox

Anne Louise Avery

"Reynard--a subversive, dashing, anarchic, aristocratic, witty fox from the watery lowlands of medieval East Flanders--is in trouble. He has been summoned to the court of King Noble the Lion, charged with all manner of crimes and misdemeanors. How will he pit...

The length of a wish  by Hilary Boyd

The length of a wish

Hilary Boyd

"The story of a woman with cancer who creates an imaginary hero to help her through her journey. Enter Lyra: a sassy nine (-and-three-quarters-) year old who loves fairytales"--Introduction.

The company you keep  by Luiza Dobrzyńska

The company you keep

Luiza Dobrzyńska

"In a not-so-distant future, Earth is slowly being reborn in the wake of an ecological catastrophe, but that rebirth is not happening fast enough. With her faithful android companion at her side, school teacher Etta must embark upon a dangerous mission to the...

Fire wolf  by Rory. author. Black

Fire wolf

Rory. author. Black

The deadly hired killer Fire Wolf is heading to a remote settlement in answer to a telegraph message. On the way there he tangles with three wanted outlaws in the ghost town known as Gold Strike. When the remaining two outlaws show up they vow vengeance and...

Ready or not  by Cara Bastone

Ready or not

Cara Bastone

"Eve Hatch is pretty content with her life. Her apartment in Brooklyn is cozy, but close to her childhood best friend Willa, and far from her midwestern, religious upbringing where she always felt misunderstood. While her position as an administrative...

End times

End times

"Explore the fall of the World That Was in this great value omnibus from Black Library. The End Times are coming. The Ruinous Powers of Chaos threaten to drown the world in madness. No kingdom is safe. In Sylvania, Mannfred von Carstein hopes to turn the tides...

Dark carnival  by Ray Bradbury

Dark carnival

Ray Bradbury

"Bradbury's first story collection heralds the arrival of one of the twentieth century's greatest writers. Each tale is marked with the characteristic genius - for the unusual and the uncanny, the unexamined and the unexplained - that would define his later...

The brothers  by Kimberley Chambers

The brothers

Kimberley Chambers

"Beau Bond hates fiercely and loves hard. He'll do anything to protect his twin Brett, and his girlfriend Jolene. Brett is a survivor. He's always followed his brother's lead, even if it means he's lived to regret it. As Beau and Jolene get hitched, their...

Shifting shadows  by Patricia Briggs

Shifting shadows

Patricia Briggs

"Shapeshifter Mercy Thompson has friends in high places - and in low, dark, scary ones. And in this must-have collection of stories, you'll meet new faces and catch up with old acquaintances - in all their forms ..."--

Cop killer  by Maj Sjöwall

Cop killer

Maj Sjöwall

"In a Swedish country town, a woman is brutally murdered and left buried in a swamp. On a quiet suburban street a midnight shootout takes place between three cops and two teenage boys. Detective Inspector Martin Beck and his partner Lennart Kollberg are called...

Like a charm

Like a charm

"In this novel in 16 parts by some of today's most prestigious crime writers, each writer picks up the story in their usual locale and each tells a gripping story of murder, betrayal and intrigue. Running through the stories is a charm bracelet which brings...

Cobalt  by Chris Bauer


Chris Bauer

"A high-stakes battle erupts over a game-changing cobalt deposit in small-town America. When billionaire Max Fend and his hacker girlfriend Renee LeFrancois are enlisted by the FBI and CIA to search for a cobalt deposit in rural Pennsylvania, they're plunged...

The great zoo of China  by Matthew Reilly

The great zoo of China

Matthew Reilly

"It is a secret the Chinese government has been keeping for forty years. They have proven the existence of dragons - a landmark discovery no one could ever believe is real, and a scientific revelation that will amaze the world. Now the Chinese are ready to...

Cold granite  by Stuart MacBride

Cold granite

Stuart MacBride

"DS Logan McRae and the police in Aberdeen hunt a child killer who stalks the frozen streets. Winter in Aberdeen: murder, mayhem and terrible weather... It's DS Logan McRae's first day back on the job after a year off on the sick, and it couldn't get much...

The Irish matchmaker  by Jennifer Deibel

The Irish matchmaker

Jennifer Deibel

"Catriona Daly is no stranger to the business of love - even though personally she has yet to find it. Eager for a match of her own and a fresh start away from her sleepy village, she makes grand plans for the annual Lisdoonvarna Matchmaking Festival. She...

While the city sleeps  by Elizabeth Camden

While the city sleeps

Elizabeth Camden

"Amid the hushed city, two hearts must navigate danger and deception, bound by a love that outshines the stars. Katherine Schneider's workaday life as a dentist in 1913 New York is upended when a patient reveals details of a deadly plot while under the...

Chasing the horizon  by Mary Connealy

Chasing the horizon

Mary Connealy

"Beth Rutledge and her mother's one chance to escape Beth's tyrannical father is a wagon train heading west. Wagon train scout Jake Holt senses the secretive Beth is running from something and finds a new hope for his future in protecting her. Can they risk...

Irish secrets  by Nora Roberts

Irish secrets

Nora Roberts

Irish Rose : "Burke Logan came to Ireland looking for horses, not for Erin McKinnon. But unable to get her out of his mind, Burke offers her a bookkeeping position back in America. Erin jumps at the chance to leave her small town and get to know her handsome...

Only hard problems  by Jennifer Estep

Only hard problems

Jennifer Estep

"My name is Zane Zimmer. To most folks, I live a seemingly charmed life as a Regal lord and the heir apparent to the powerful, wealthy House Zimmer, and the gossipcasts breathlessly follow my every swaggering move across the Archipelago Galaxy. I'm also a...

Deadly animals  by Marie Tierney

Deadly animals

Marie Tierney

"Thirteen-year-old Ava Bonney is unlike other children. Exceptionally bright, she has an obsessive interest in the rate at which dead animals decompose. The motorway she lives by regularly offers up roadkill, and in the dead of night Ava likes nothing better...

The sleeping beauties  by Lucy Ashe

The sleeping beauties

Lucy Ashe

"May 1945 and at long last, Rosamund Caradon is feeling optimistic. As she returns the last few evacuees to London from her Devonshire manor, she vows to protect dance-obsessed daughter Jasmine from further peril. But a chance meeting with a Sadler's Wells...

Where they lie  by Claire Coughlan

Where they lie

Claire Coughlan

"Dublin, 1943. Actress Julia Bridges disappears. She was last seen entering the house of Gloria Fitzpatrick, who is later put on trial for the murder of a woman whose abortion she facilitated. But it's never proved that Gloria had a hand in Julia's death - and...

What became of Magic  by Paige Crutcher

What became of Magic

Paige Crutcher

"Aline Weir, a witch who can talk to ghosts, has kept her talents hidden ever since a disastrous middle school slumber party, choosing to be invisible and use her powers in secret to help lost souls reunite with the keys to send them home. All the while, she...

He used to be me  by Anne Walsh Donnelly

He used to be me

Anne Walsh Donnelly

"Meet Daft Matt, the Mayo man at the heart of this astonishing, form-bending story, as he wanders the streets of Castlebar in search of Devil's feet - the claw marks of the caga, or jackdaws, who have spoken to him since he was a boy. Yet Matt is anything but...

Will  by Jeroen Olyslaegers


Jeroen Olyslaegers

"It is 1941, and Antwerp is in the grip of Nazi occupation. Young policeman Wilfried Wils has no intention of being a hero - but war has a way of catching up with people. When his idealistic best friend draws him into the growing resistance movement, and an SS...

The bear and the dragon  by Tom Clancy

The bear and the dragon

Tom Clancy

"Jack Ryan, newly elected as President, faces domestic pitfalls around every corner. But in Moscow, someone may have tried to take out the chairman of the SVR - the former KGB - with a rocket-propelled grenade. Even more disturbing is the potential identity of...

Someone birthed them broken  by Ama Asantewa Diaka

Someone birthed them broken

Ama Asantewa Diaka

"In this startling collection of short fiction, Ama Asantewa Diaka creates a vibrant portrait of young Ghanaians' today, captured in the experiences of characters whose lives bump against one other in friendship, passion, hope, and heartache ... Diaka charts...

The celestial city  by Diego Marani

The celestial city

Diego Marani

"A young man plunges into student life, in flight from an overbearing father, in search of an identity of his own making. He is like everyone else in his quest for a future he cannot yet understand. His experiences, often comic, always innocently human, are an...

Elegy for Eddie  by Jacqueline Winspear

Elegy for Eddie

Jacqueline Winspear

"When Eddie Pettit's death is ruled an accident by the police, many believe that this gentle soul was murdered and Maisy Dobbs, determined to do right by Eddie, searches for the truth amid the working-class of Lambeth. Set in London between the two world...

What remains of heaven  by C. S. Harris

What remains of heaven

C. S. Harris

"Sebastian St. Cyr, Viscount Devlin, investigates the identity of two corpses found in an ancient crypt with possible ties to William Franklin, the embittered son of American patriot Ben Franklin."--Publisher.

Piglet  by Lottie Hazell


Lottie Hazell

"Her life is so full, so why is she hungry? For Piglet - an unshakable childhood nickname - getting married is her opportunitt to reinvent. Together, Kit and Piglet are the picture of domestic bliss - effortless hosts, planning a covetable wedding ... But if a...

The house of broken bricks  by Fiona Williams

The house of broken bricks

Fiona Williams

"Ain't nothing wrong with being broken. Nothing at all. You're like these houses, not a whole brick in em and look how strong they are. As Tess traces the sunrise over the floodplains, light that paints the house a startling crimson, she yearns for the...

An ideal husband  by Erica James

An ideal husband

Erica James

"After 30 years of marriage, and a wonderful family Christmas, Louisa is stunned when husband Kip asks for a divorce on Boxing Day. He'd never seemed unhappy - and they've raised three children together. For months, Kip has been secretly seeing a younger woman...

The burning land  by David Hair

The burning land

David Hair

"The Falcons are knights of the Vestal Order, pledged to use their powers to protect the Empire of Talmont from the cruel Vyr and the carnage they have unleashed upon the world. When the Falcons take a Vyr alive, they go against the protocols of the Vestal...

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