Nine exclusive adventures featuring a multitude of Doctors and companions. The collection opens with a trilogy of stories set in the First World War - Men of War, Horrors of War and Fortunes of War - in which the First, Third and Sixth Doctors are pitted...
A new edition of the collection featuring each of the Doctor's full-cast BBC radio adventures - and more. In The Paradise of Death and The Ghosts of N-Space, the Third Doctor reunites with Sarah Jane Smith and UNIT for adventures on Earth and beyond, first...
"Task List Item No. 1 - Become self-aware ... Meet Charles, the latest in robot servant technology. Programmed to undertake the most menial household chores, Charles is loyal, efficient and logical to a fault. That is, until a rather large fault causes him to...
"The Silurian Period, approximately 420 million years ago. A time even before the dinosaurs. Evolution was just beginning to flex its muscles, and on land and in the sea, new creatures were evolving. In this strange world arrive a team of time travelling North...
Some families are virtually perfect. The world's population is soaring, creating overcrowded cities and an economic crisis. And in the UK, breaking point has arrived. A growing number of people can no longer afford to start families let alone raise them. But...
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