Picture book
Hui teaches us the days of the week in Tokelauan while sharing with others. Includes two stories in one book - Hui Shares provides language learning supports and Ko Hui e fakahoa is the Tokelauan translation. My Pasifika Series are picture books that provide...
Pene teaches us how to count in Tokelauan while cleaning up his bedroom. Includes two stories in one book - Pene's Room provides language learning supports and Te Potu o Pene is the Tokelauan translation. The Mila's My Pasifika Series are picture books that...
Tealo teaches us colours in Tokelauan while playing a fun game of 'I spy'. Includes two stories in one book - Tealoa Spies provides language learning supports and Na mea na kitea e Tealo is the Tongan translation. My Pasifika Series are picture books that...
"Mala is a great wrestler who lived in Fakaofo. But the people of the village are mean to him. One day a giant shark turns up. Can Mala save the village with his wrestling skills?"--Back cover.
Sometimes the least likely person is the one who solves a problem. That's what happened to Uila the day that danger came to his family. Find out how in Lightning Boy, a bilingual legend from Tokelau.
How much would you do for someone you love? Kalokalo-o-te-la loved Hina so much he gave everything he had for her. Find out how in The Pearl Shell Necklace, a bilingual legend from Tokelau.
"Twelve Tokelau young people worked with teacher-writer, David Riley, to bring you this book... The stories they've written demonstrate their immense pride in being of Tokelau heritage. You'll read about a beloved ancestor, a trip to Tokelau, making pagikeke...
It's fingerpainting time and Alisa comes up with a way to create an orange butterfly.
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A little girl helps her grandmother prepare a tīvaevae for her uncle's wedding.
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