Auckland Council Libraries: Society, politics and crime new titles

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Society, politics and crime

Inside Siglo XXI  by Belén Fernández

Inside Siglo XXI

Belén Fernández

"Much has been written In English about the experiences and treatment of immigrants from south of the Rio Grande once they have entered the United States. But this account, by the itinerant, effervescent and highly original journalist Belén Fernández, offers a...

The courage of women  by Rob Harley

The courage of women

Rob Harley

"Rob Harley is better known as a TV documentary-maker and one-time door-kicking investigative reporter on shows like Frontline and Assignment, than an author. But in this, his seventh book, Rob turns his attention to eleven powerful tales about brave, feisty...

Outposts of diplomacy  by Geoff Berridge

Outposts of diplomacy

Geoff Berridge

"Outposts of diplomacy traces the evolution of the embassy from its ancient origins to its enduring presence in the modern world. Beginning with the embassy's precursors in antiquity, this book explores its emergence on the cusp of the Italian Renaissance, its...

No one left  by Paul Morland

No one left

Paul Morland

"A population calamity is unfolding before our eyes. It started in parts of the developed world and is spreading to the four corners of the globe. There are just too few babies being born for humanity to replace itself. Leading demographer Paul Morland argues...

Them  by Jon Ronson


Jon Ronson

"What if a tiny, shadow elite rule the world from a secret room? My worryingly paradoxical thought process could be summarized thus: Thank God I don't believe in the secret rulers of the world. Imagine what the secret rulers of the world might do to me if I...

Systems ultra  by Georgina Voss

Systems ultra

Georgina Voss

"Systems Ultra explores how we experience complex systems: the mesh of things, people, and ideas interacting to produce their own patterns and behaviours. What does it mean when a car which runs on code drives dangerously? What does massmarket graphics...

Tribal  by Michael W. Morris


Michael W. Morris

"Tribalism is our most misunderstood buzzword. We've all heard pundits bemoan its rise, and it's been blamed for everything from political polarization to workplace discrimination. But as acclaimed cultural psychologist and Columbia professor Michael Morris...

Strangeland  by Jon Sopel


Jon Sopel

"At the beginning of 2022, after eight years of political reporting in the US, Jon Sopel returned home to the UK - and having spent almost a third of his career abroad, he found a very different place to the one he left. What is the Britain he's come home to?...

In light of all darkness  by Kim (Kimberly Hisako) Cross

In light of all darkness

Kim (Kimberly Hisako) Cross

"On October 1, 1993, a 12-year-old girl was kidnapped at knifepoint from her bedroom in Petaluma, California, during a sleepover with two friends, while her mother slept soundly in the room next door. This rarest of all kidnappings--a stranger abduction from...

China's galaxy empire  by John Keane

China's galaxy empire

John Keane

"In China's Galaxy Empire, John Keane and Baogang He target a development of enormous significance: China's return, after two centuries of decline and subjugation, to a position of prominence in world affairs. The thesis is that China is a newly rising empire...

Toxic wives  by Christine Seifert

Toxic wives

Christine Seifert

"In the latter half of the 1800s, widespread suspicion and anxiety emerged when wives of all ages and social status were accused of killing their husbands with poison. However, what seemed like a massive spike in murderous wives across the United Kingdom and...

Good guys, bad guys  by Emily K. Carian

Good guys, bad guys

Emily K. Carian

"Good Guys, Bad Guys: The Perils of Men's Gender Activism explores questions of masculinity, privilege, and identity to explain why some men become feminists while others become men's rights activists. The surprising similarities between these groups of men...

Political jouissance

Political jouissance

"When we oppose or disagree with something important, do we ever really do it dispassionately? Isn't setting the world to rights or condemning a political opponent always done with a hint of relish, or at least enthusiasm? This book's challenging essays...

Chaos comes calling  by Sasha Abramsky

Chaos comes calling

Sasha Abramsky

"Donald Trump's November 2015 electoral victory was, to many, ominously validated by four years of demagogy, presidential name-calling, and-ten months into a pandemic-an incitement to violence that led a mob of thousands to descend on the Capitol in...

Ministry of truth  by Steve Benen

Ministry of truth

Steve Benen

"For as long as historical records have existed, people in positions of authority have tried to rewrite history to suit their purposes. The pattern has become tragically familiar: dictatorial powers use their editing pens to create myths, spread propaganda,...

The ordinal society  by Marion Fourcade

The ordinal society

Marion Fourcade

"Nearly every aspect of our lives is measured, ranked, and turned into data that computers use to make predictions about our trustworthiness, purchasing power, even political views. The Ordinal Society shows how these predictions structure life chances,...

Hindu Nationalism in the Indian diaspora  by Edward T. G. Anderson

Hindu Nationalism in the Indian diaspora

Edward T. G. Anderson

"Hindu nationalism is transforming India, as an increasingly dominant ideology and political force. But it is also a global phenomenon, with sections of India's vast diaspora drawn to, or actively supporting, right-wing Hindu nationalism. Indians overseas can...

The value of others  by Orion Taraban

The value of others

Orion Taraban

"If everyone is looking to secure a relationship with their perceived best option, then the perception of value must be at the heart of human coupling. In this groundbreaking work, psychologist Orion Taraban sets forth his economic model of relationships and...

Always was, always will be  by Thomas Mayo

Always was, always will be

Thomas Mayo

"In Always Was, Always Will Be, award-winning author Thomas Mayo addresses the question that many Australians have been asking since the failed 2023 Voice to Parliament referendum, 'What's next?' Mayo draws in his decades of experience as an Indigenous...

Taboo  by Eric P. Kaufmann


Eric P. Kaufmann

"Woke is not a fad but a cultural revolution--a movement that can only be stopped by a drastic intervention in our institutions and culture.We in the West are in the third wave of cultural-left ideological enthusiasm. Each "Awokening" has crested, fallen a...

Opus  by Gareth Gore


Gareth Gore

"For over half a century, Banco Popular was one of the most profitable banks in the world--until one day, in 2017, when the Spanish bank suddenly collapsed overnight. When investigative journalist Gareth Gore was dispatched to report on the story, he expected...

Muslim women and misogony  by Samia Rahman

Muslim women and misogony

Samia Rahman

"Muslim women are among the most fetishised and objectified groups in society today. Much is assumed and imagined about their lives, and it is all too easy to succumb to orientalist myths. For too long, Muslim women have been reduced to two-dimensional...

Endangered languages  by Evangelia Adamou

Endangered languages

Evangelia Adamou

"A short, accessible guide to the linguistic (but also moral, political, and economic) issue of endangered languages"--Publisher's description.

The blend  by Tobi Asare

The blend

Tobi Asare

"Whether you are a new mother, just thinking about it, or already trying to combine a career and children, working motherhood can sometimes seem like an impossible balancing act. That's why Tobi Asare, founder of My Bump Pay, doesn't doesn't talk about 'the...

The golden rule  by Lucy Pollock

The golden rule

Lucy Pollock

"Today, we are living longer lives, and have choices now as never before about how we will age. What will make us happy? What are we frightened of, and what might allay those fears? What changes, made right now, will help us to flourish as we age? This book...

Great chat  by Josh Smith

Great chat

Josh Smith

"Our lives are filled with conversations - from internal chats, surface level chats, dreaded chats to the deep and meaningful chats - but when was the last time you had a 'great chat'? During his childhood, Josh was too afraid to speak because of his speech...

Philosophy and real politics  by Raymond Geuss

Philosophy and real politics

Raymond Geuss

"Many contemporary political thinkers are gripped by the belief that their task is to develop an ideal theory of rights or justice for guiding and judging political actions. This text argues that philosophers should first try to understand why real political...

Mobile media methods  by Larissa Hjorth

Mobile media methods

Larissa Hjorth

"Mobile media such as smartphones, apps, and social media are an integral part of everyday life. For students and researchers, mobile media also offer a treasure trove of new concepts, methods, and techniques to do research - representing a new phase in...

Britain's slavery debt  by Michael C. Banner

Britain's slavery debt

Michael C. Banner

"The exploitation of 2.5 million west Africans, and their descendants born into slavery, in the sugar plantations of the Caribbean enriched generations of Britons and the British nation. 'Britain's Slavery Debt' offers a concise, reasoned, practical case for...

Drug cartels do not exist  by Oswaldo Zavala

Drug cartels do not exist

Oswaldo Zavala

"Through political and cultural analysis of representations of the so-called war on drugs, Oswaldo Zavala makes the case that the very terms we use to describe drug traffickers are a constructed subterfuge for the real narcos: politicians, corporations, and...

Long haul  by Frank Figliuzzi

Long haul

Frank Figliuzzi

"In 2004, the FBI was tipped off to a gruesome pattern of unsolved murders along American roadways. Today at least 850 homicides have been linked to a solitary breed of predators: long-haul truck drivers. They have been given names like the "Truck Stop...

Surrounded by liars  by Thomas Erikson

Surrounded by liars

Thomas Erikson

"Studies suggest two people who have never met before will tell three lies within the first five minutes. Astounding. But why? Why do we choose to lie even when we know it's wrong? To protect the people we love? To paint ourselves in a better light? To win...

Racial domination  by Loïc J. D. Wacquant

Racial domination

Loïc J. D. Wacquant

"Race is arguably the single most troublesome and volatile concept of the social sciences in the early 21st century. It is invoked to explain all manner of historical phenomena and current issues, from slavery to police brutality to acute poverty, and it is...

Back on track?

Back on track?

"What a year! In 2023, Jacinda Ardern resigned after five years as Prime Minister, leaving Chris Hipkins in charge of Labour’s waning fortunes and ultimate defeat. The Greens and Te Pāti Māori ended up back on the opposition benches despite gaining more votes...

Love and marriage in the age of Jane Austen  by Rory Muir

Love and marriage in the age of Jane Austen

Rory Muir

"Marriage is at the centre of Jane Austen's novels. The pursuit of husbands and wives, advantageous matches and, of course, love itself, motivate her characters and continue to fascinate readers today. But what were love and marriage like in reality for the...

Leave your big boots at the door

Leave your big boots at the door

"In the book, Leave your big boots at the door, seventeen Pākeha discuss the history of racism against Māori in Aotearoa, and explain what they have done, and are still doing, to prevent it. The effects of colonisation and the racism that accompanies it are...

Breaking together  by Jem Bendell

Breaking together

Jem Bendell

"The collapse of modern societies has already begun. That is the conclusion of two years of research by the interdisciplinary team behind Breaking Together. How did it come to this? Because monetary systems caused us to harm each other and nature to such an...

The camp 100  by Simon Doonan

The camp 100

Simon Doonan

"What do Grace Jones, Benjamin Disraeli, Salvador Dali, K-Pop and a giant art nouveau vase covered in fairies and stuffed with peacock feathers have in common? Answer: they are all, wildly, completely and utterly ... Camp. Yes, C-A-M-P, that strange,...

Battlers & billionaires  by Andrew Leigh

Battlers & billionaires

Andrew Leigh

"Is Australia fair enough? And why does inequality matter anyway? From egalitarian beginnings, Australian inequality rose through the nineteenth century. Then we became more equal again, with inequality falling markedly from the 1920s to the 1970s. Now,...

Spycraft  by Nadine Akkerman


Nadine Akkerman

"A fascinating exploration of the devious tricks and ingenious tools used by early modern spies - from ciphers to counterfeiting, invisible inks to assassination. Early modern Europe was a hotbed of espionage, where spies, spy-catchers, and conspirators pitted...

Some men in London. Queer life, 1960-1967

Some men in London. Queer life, 1960-1967

"The second in a major two-part anthology uncovering the rich reality of life for queer men in London, from the end of the Second World War to decriminalization in 1967. In the 1940s, it was believed that homosexuality had been becoming more widespread in the...

Dear cisgender people  by Kenny Ethan Jones

Dear cisgender people

Kenny Ethan Jones

"Conversations on the transgender experience may be becoming more commonplace, but the topic is still all too often the subject of fierce debate. But behind the shock headlines, what does it really mean to be trans? In this profoundly powerful, extensively...

Come closer  by Charlene (Therapist) Douglas

Come closer

Charlene (Therapist) Douglas

"Feeling a disconnect in your sex life? Sex and relationship therapist Charlene Douglas invites you to connect more, communicate better, and love more deeply.Perhaps you've considered seeing a therapist before but you worry it might be awkward or it's too...

Democracy or Bonapartism  by Domenico Losurdo

Democracy or Bonapartism

Domenico Losurdo

"How democracy became a form of soft authoritarian rule. The history of the advent of universal suffrage is a fraught one. As late as the mid-twentieth century, it was still impeded by forms of censitary, racial and sexual discrimination, which proved...

Beyond Leviathan  by István Mészáros

Beyond Leviathan

István Mészáros

"István Mészáros was one of the greatest political theorists of the twentieth century. Left unfinished at the time of his death, Beyond Leviathan is written on the magisterial scale of his previous book, Beyond Capital, and meant to complement that work. It...

Motherhood in lockdown  by Daisie Lane

Motherhood in lockdown

Daisie Lane

"'The Lockdown Mama Community,' an online group of mothers built in the wake of the COVID-19, were asked to write about their pregnancy, birth and postpartum experiences during a global pandemic. The aim was a therapeutic exercise to work through the trauma of...

Framed  by John Grisham


John Grisham

"In his first work of nonfiction since The Innocent Man, #1 bestselling author John Grisham and Centurion Ministries Founder Jim McCloskey share ten harrowing true stories of wrongful convictions. Impeccably researched and grippingly told, Framed offers an...

The barn  by Wright Thompson

The barn

Wright Thompson

"How forces from around the world converged on the Mississippi Delta to bring about the most consequential murder in US history. Emmett Till's murder is one of the most infamous in American history; a moment that, more than any other, awakened the world to the...

We have never been woke  by Musa al-Gharbi

We have never been woke

Musa al-Gharbi

"A book that explores the disconnect between the ideals of the Great Awokening and the realities of fixing structural inequality. This book aims to explain how a new elite has risen to prominence and established a social order that is fundamentally premised on...

Love until death  by Chris Hutchins

Love until death

Chris Hutchins

"Who is Alex? Is he the gifted businessman whose interests have netted him billions of dollars, whose generosity and charm has beguiled the worlds elite? Or is he the cold-blooded killer accused by the French police of poisoning his lover? A ruthless but...

Revenge of the tipping point  by Malcolm Gladwell

Revenge of the tipping point

Malcolm Gladwell

"Twenty-five years after the publication of his groundbreaking first book, Malcolm Gladwell returns with a brand-new volume that reframes the lessons of The Tipping Point in a startling and revealing light. Why is Miami, Miami? What does the heartbreaking fate...

The regeneration handbook  by Don (Leader in the international Transition Towns Movement) Hall

The regeneration handbook

Don (Leader in the international Transition...

"The Regeneration Handbook offers an abundance of insights, stories, tools, and resources for experienced and aspiring changemakers to step into their power. By introducing readers to a different kind of activism, based on natural and universal patterns, it...

The hidden globe  by Atossa Araxia Abrahamian

The hidden globe

Atossa Araxia Abrahamian

"Borders draw one map of the world; money draws another. A journalist's riveting account exposes a parallel universe exempt from the laws of the land, and how the wealthy and powerful benefit from it. The map of the globe depicts the world we think we know:...

Serial killers  by Jamie (Writer on conspiracy theories) King

Serial killers

Jamie (Writer on conspiracy theories)...

"A gripping compendium of some of the world's most infamous and shocking mass murderers, such as John Wayne Gacy, the Boston Strangler, the Moors murderers and Harold Shipman, as well as some lesser-known figures. Who was the Zodiac Killer? What drove Jeffrey...

Let's talk about aging parents  by Laura Tamblyn Watts

Let's talk about aging parents

Laura Tamblyn Watts

"Should my mom move into a retirement home? Does my dad have dementia? And how on earth can I get my stepmom to give up her car keys? Worries like these can plague people with older relatives. Author Laura Tamblyn Watts understands: Her own parents are in...

Right wing revolution  by Charlie Kirk

Right wing revolution

Charlie Kirk

"The United States of America has long been the lone beacon of freedom and sensibility in a chaotic world. Now, she is under threat from a lethal ideology that seeks to humiliate and erase anyone who does not bow at its altar. The threat in question? Wokeism....

How to be queer

How to be queer

"In recent years, sexual fluidity has increasingly entered mainstream consciousness. However, the ancient Greeks got there long ago, and often with little angst and much wit, insight, and depth. Surviving texts from Archaic and Classical Greece offer glimpses...

Eden undone  by Abbott Kahler

Eden undone

Abbott Kahler

"When paradise turns to chaos, who will survive? An incredible true story of murder, romance and a fateful search for utopia in the Galápagos from the New York Times bestselling author of The Ghosts of Eden Park. At the height of the Great Depression, Los...

Clown world  by Jamie Tahsin

Clown world

Jamie Tahsin

"In 2022 Andrew Tate went from a little-known kickboxer and failed reality TV star to a figure that would define a new era of misogyny. Tate started the year as a fringe internet celebrity, but by August he was the most Googled man in the world. In that same...

The hei$t  by Scott Bainbridge

The hei$t

Scott Bainbridge

"One Friday evening in October 1984, a security truck pulled into the car park of the Foodtown supermarket in the Auckland suburb of Birkenhead. It had already made a few stops at other supermarkets that day, so there was plenty of cash on board. A few minutes...

Opus  by Gareth Gore


Gareth Gore

"For over half a century, Banco Popular was one of the most profitable banks in the world--until one day, in 2017, when the Spanish bank suddenly collapsed overnight. When investigative journalist Gareth Gore was dispatched to report on the story, he expected...

How not to let having kids ruin your sex life  by Karen Gurney

How not to let having kids ruin your sex life

Karen Gurney

"Having kids brings changes to our routines, bodies, identities and priorities, so much so that the passion that first brought a couple together can sometimes feel like a distant memory. How can you maintain a great sexual connection when you're dealing with...

Nexus  by Yuval N. Harari


Yuval N. Harari

"For the last 100,000 years, we Sapiens have accumulated enormous power. But despite all our discoveries, inventions, and conquests, we now find ourselves in an existential crisis. The world is on the verge of ecological collapse. Misinformation abounds. And...

Magical urbanism  by Mike Davis

Magical urbanism

Mike Davis

"A contemporary classic, Magical Urbanism focuses on how Latinos are attempting to translate their urban demographic ascendancy into effective social power. Mike Davis chronicles the Dickensian underworld of day labor in New York, tracks the development of new...

Rough justice  by Wendy Joseph

Rough justice

Wendy Joseph

"Following on the heels of her bestseller 'Unlawful Killings', Old Bailey judge Wendy Joseph KC skilfully reconstructs courtroom dramas affecting society's most vulnerable, drawing on her many years' experience as a murder trial judge, and asking the key...

High noon  by Don Watson

High noon

Don Watson

"Don Watson offers a report from the United States that catches the madness and theatre of an election like no other. This is a historically informed, mordant account of Donald Trump, Kamala Harris and a country approaching democratic high noon. From Los...

Irreplaceable  by Pascal Bornet


Pascal Bornet

"With over 20 years of pioneering research at the human-AI intersection, Bornet reveals the secrets to living in harmony with AI while cultivating uniquely human qualities. He introduces the Three Competencies of the Future that we need to develop urgently to...

Happy apocalypse  by Jean-Baptiste Fressoz

Happy apocalypse

Jean-Baptiste Fressoz

"How risk, disasters and pollution were managed and made acceptable during the Industrial Revolution. Being environmentally conscious is not nearly as modern as we imagine. As a mode of thinking it goes back hundreds of years. Yet we typically imagine...

Hitler's U.S. allies  by Norman (Writer on the Battle of Britain) Ridley

Hitler's U.S. allies

Norman (Writer on the Battle of Britain)...

"In many countries around the world, the end of the First World War, far from leading to a new world order of stability, ushered in an area of uncertainty and economic decline. To solve the problems of unemployment, high inflation, low wages and poor working...

Women's lives in the Tudor era  by Amy McElroy

Women's lives in the Tudor era

Amy McElroy

"Women in the Tudor age are often overshadowed by their male counterparts. Even those of royalty were deemed inferior to males. Whilst women may have been classed as the inferior gender, women played a vital role in Tudor society. As daughters, mothers and...

Immaculate forms  by Helen King

Immaculate forms

Helen King

"Throughout history, religious scholars, medical men and - occasionally - women themselves, have moulded thought on what 'makes' a woman. She has been called the weaker sex, the fairer sex, the purer sex, among many other monikers. Often, she has been defined...

The many lives of Syeda X  by Neha Dixit

The many lives of Syeda X

Neha Dixit

"What does the life of an ordinary working-class Indian look and feel like? In this outstanding book, the award winning journalist Neha Dixit traces the story of one such faceless Indian woman, from the early 1990s to the present day. What emerges is a picture...

Lobbying for Zionism on both sides of the Atlantic  by Ilan Pappé

Lobbying for Zionism on both sides of the Atlantic

Ilan Pappé

"In 1896, a Jewish state was a pipe dream. Today the overwhelming majority of Jews identify as Zionists. How did this happen? Ilan Pappe unveils how over a century of aggressive lobbying changed the map of the Middle East. Pro-Israel lobbies convinced British...

The Ukraine war & the Eurasian world order  by Glenn Diesen

The Ukraine war & the Eurasian world order

Glenn Diesen

"Five hundred years of Western hegemony has ended, while the global majority's aspiration for a world order based on multipolarity and sovereign equality is rising. This incisive book addresses the demise of liberal hegemony, though pointing out that a...

Breaking bias  by Anu Gupta

Breaking bias

Anu Gupta

"Imagine a world without bias. A world where all human beings can truly be just as they are and unleash their full potential. Take a moment to imagine how you feel in such a world -- not what you think about it, or whether you believe it's possible, but how...

Mafiopoli  by Sanne de Boer


Sanne de Boer

"The 'Ndrangheta mafia is one of the most powerful criminal organizations in the world. Bound together by blood ties, sworn to a code of silence and steeped in religious ritual, they are the force behind a litany of violence and corruption. In Mafiopoli,...

Guilty creatures  by Mikita Brottman

Guilty creatures

Mikita Brottman

"Mike and Denise Williams had a tight knit, seemingly unbreakable bond with childhood friends, Brian and Kathy Winchester. The two couples were devout, hardworking Baptists who lived perfect, quintessentially Southern lives. Their friendship seemed ironclad....

March to the majority  by Newt Gingrich

March to the majority

Newt Gingrich

"Gingrich, Gaylord and Brogdon take readers behind the scenes of the Republican revolution in 1994, and the rise of the modern GOP. They share never-before-told stories about Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, and other fascinating political figures. They also show...

Wolves of K street  by Brody Mullins

Wolves of K street

Brody Mullins

"Taking readers to K Street and into the offices of the most powerful men in Washington, two veteran investigative journalists present an intense and infuriating portrait of 50 years of corporate influence to infiltrate American politics and undermine our...

Democracy in retrograde  by Sami Sage

Democracy in retrograde

Sami Sage

"In today's political climate, it's hard not to get discouraged. Isolated, doom scrolling, lacking a sense of purpose or community... it's easy to become overwhelmed by the dire state of American democracy and do nothing, because why try when the odds are...

Art heist  by Susie Hodge

Art heist

Susie Hodge

"Art Heist is a gallery of the most famous stolen artworks that have never been recovered and an examination of the heists and their subsequent investigations. An intriguing investigation into over 50 elusive artworks that were stolen and never recovered. Mona...

On freedom  by Timothy Snyder

On freedom

Timothy Snyder

"Freedom is the great Western commitment, but we have lost sight of what it means – and this is leading us into crisis. Too many of us look at freedom as the absence of state power: we think we're free if we can do and say as we please, and protect ourselves...

荣光基业  by Phoebe H. Li


Phoebe H. Li

"Cantonese merchants facilitated early Chinese immigration to New Zealand and their social and business networks laid the foundation of the Chinese community in the South Pacific. Zooming in on these merchant’s dynamic role in the making of Chinese New...

One in a millennial  by Kate (Podcaster) Kennedy

One in a millennial

Kate (Podcaster) Kennedy

"From pop culture podcaster and a voice of a generation, Kate Kennedy, a celebration of the millennial zeitgeist. One In a Millennial is an exploration of pop culture, nostalgia, the millennial zeitgeist, and the life lessons learned (for better and for worse)...

DIY  by Eric Sprankle


Eric Sprankle

"An approachable and humorous deep dive into the history, culture, and science behind masturbation"--Publisher's description.

The last human job  by Allison J. Pugh

The last human job

Allison J. Pugh

"With artificial intelligence developing so rapidly that even some of the biggest names behind the advances are calling for pauses and increased regulation, discussions of the future of work in the age of AI have reached a new level of urgency. While certain...

Nature's ghosts  by Sophie Yeo

Nature's ghosts

Sophie Yeo

"For thousands of years, humans have been the architects of the environment. Our activities leave an indelible mark on the places we inhabit - for good and for bad. 'Nature's Ghosts' examines how the earth would have looked before humans scrubbed away its...

The Peasenhall murder  by Neil Norman

The Peasenhall murder

Neil Norman

"In May 1902, a great storm hit the small village of Peasenhall, Suffolk. The following morning, the body of Rose Harsent was found in the house where she worked. Whilst originally believed by the doctor to have been suicide, her brutal injuries, alongside...

Second class  by Batya Ungar-Sargon

Second class

Batya Ungar-Sargon

"America has broken its contract with its laboring class. So, how do we get back to the American Dream? How do we once again become the land of opportunity, the promised land where hard work and commitment to family are enough to protect you from poverty? It's...

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